Warhammer 40K: “More Dakka” Is Breaking the Game – Here’s How GW Can Fix It

Goatboy here with some solutions to fixing the new Ork “More Dakka” Detachment – one of 40K 10th Edition’s most pressing problems.
Goatboy here and if you are a competitive player you are either excited to try the new Ork “More Dakka” detachment or dreading facing one when it hit the tabletop. It appears this Ork detachment might be one of the best in all of Warhammer 40K 10th Edition, and a second coming for the “Freebootas” style lists we had all those years ago during the last edition of 40K. The dreaded wave of bullets that quickly took over the tournament scene and got nerfed into the ground pretty quickly.
Why is “More Dakka” a Problem?
For those who haven’t been keeping up the new Ork Detachment – More Dakka – is a shooting based option for the Ork army that grants the Ork players in their shooting phase the rule Sustained Hits 2 on infantry and walkers as well as Assault for their weapon types during the Waagh. This is a huge jump in damage potential for an army designed around on a lot of shots that normally don’t hit that much.
You can easily see how this could overwhelm an army with layers of Loota fire, Tankbusta Missles, and Big Meks Shokk Attack Gun firepower. It isn’t the end of the world as there are some tough armies that can easily shrug off a ton of the loota firepower through terrain, plethora of wounds, and just a brutal counter attack. Also’ the army needs to have their infantry on the board to shoot as they can’t just fire out of the their vehicles thus they are heavily influenced by terrain placement. Still’ it seems the “More Dakka” Detachment will be pretty brutal and I think a few tweaks are needed to bring it in line with the current game.
More Dakka Fix – Limit The Shooting Range
Let’s start with changes that keep the detachment working as it is written. I think the easiest update to help curtail some of this is give a rider to their Sustained Hits 2 rule with something like this only works within 12” of the enemy. This forces the Ork player to move closer and get well within a counter assault range if their shooting doesn’t obliterate the enemy. It also keeps the rule the same with just a simple rider that activates things in a way that is easy to figure out and understand which it’s important. It also adding a single line of text to the rule which makes it easier to digitally update as well.
More Dakka Fix – “Get Stuck In Ladz” Strategem is Too Cheap
The next big change I would also probably do is to tweak some of the Stratagems to take them away from being completely brutal. The “Get Stuck in, Ladz!” Is probably one of the stronger options we have in the game right now. It places a unit that isn’t in “Waaagh!” Into “Waaagh!”. This activates a host of rules for the unit like +1 Strength/Attacks, Advance & Charge, Assault on their shooting profile, and a 5+ invulnerable save. All of this is for 1CP and any of those rules are normally a 1CP option in most other armies but having all 6 for 1CP seems like a heck of a discount. I would expect a move to 2CP and maybe a rider that this is once a game would be needed to help “keep” this in check.
More Dakka Fix – Limit The Shooting for Blast Weapons
Finally I also wonder if they should look at removing the Sustained 2 for those weapons with Blast. The idea is to utilize all the bullet based options for this type of rule and I wonder if they should just remove the rule. Beyond just making the detachment illegal if they limit what gets it or even just changing it a bit could easily tone this down, keep the army working, and let players who have started building this keep glueing those Orks together.
Are we going to be up for making for armies designed to outshoot this detachment? Is it going to be board control tough armies that will survive this? Who knows will just have to wait and see as data rolls in and the Orks keep yelling Waaagh as they cover you in bullets.
What do you think? Could this be enough to keep it in check?