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Warhammer 40K Next Week: Horus Heresy Breaks Out The Mechanicus Heavies

2 Minute Read
Mar 23 2025

The Adeptus Mechanicus tested many of their deadliest weapons during the Horus Heresy. And next week, you can pre-order some of them.

The forges of the Adeptus Mechanicus routinely birth all manner of technological terrors. But they have forgotten more horrific ways to flense the enemies of humanity than even the most battle-hardened Militarum battalion will endure before suffering 70% casualties. Again.

Case in point, during the Horus Heresy, the Adeptus Mechanicus had the perfect excuse to battle test all manner of new mechanical toys. And next week, you can pre-order many of them.

Horus Heresy Mechanicus Heavies Aren’t Heretical

It all kicks off with the Karacnos Assault Tank. This isn’t just an artillery tank. Though it is defeinitely an artillery tank. It is loaded with missiles and mortar tubes and it’s great. But it’s also an assault tank that is heavily armored on all sides and mounted with lightning locks on sponson, so it can get in and assault as well.

If you prefer a bigger gun, you can roll out the Krios Battle Tank. It features a lightning cannon, which can absolutely devastate infantry from afar. Or you can give it an irradiation blaster if you want a big radioactive shotgun blast.

The Thanatar Calix Siege-Automata packs a potent punch. Heavier than a dreadnought – these automata pack devastating weapons, including shoulder-mounted autocannons, and a fist-mounted graviton ram.

But you can’t only field big tanks. This wouldn’t be the Adeptus Mechanicus without unleashing some kind of horror that makes you regret looking even a little deeper at what’s happening. Here’s the humanity-warping horror that is the Ursarax Cohort.

They may look like automata, but they’re actually humans. Well. Human parts. All the “important internal bits” are encased in their metal bodies, and then jetpacks and lightning claws. Presumably they are just conscious enough to be aware of how much they are suffering while hewing through enemies.

All this, next week!


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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