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Warhammer 40K: Quarterly Detachments Bring In New Rules For Orks, T’au, & Adeptus Custodes

3 Minute Read
Mar 12 2025

The Grotmas Detachments were so popular that Games Workshop has decided do that more often. So here’s three new Detachments to play with!

Games Workshop has had a flurry of updates this morning. We got the Balance Dataslate and the Chaos Daemon Index news. Now we’re also getting a bit of a “thank you” from GW. Apparently, their team really enjoyed creating Detachments for Grotmas and the response was positive — so they are doing more of that. This time it’s on a lesser scale, but it seems like these Detachment additions might become a quarterly tradition.

via Warhammer Community

Kenny, from the Warhammer Studio Team: “The Studio has appreciated all the excitement surrounding the Grotmas Detachments, and we all want to say ‘thank you’ to the community. Players, collectors, hobbyists and personalities have all been incredibly positive towards the new Detachments and we are excited to announce that we aren’t done by any means.  

We will therefore be releasing new Detachments as part of each Quarterly Update to the game for the remainder of the edition, to supplement your Codex purchases. What does this mean for you? Each Quarterly Update we will be releasing a new detachment for several factions who already have a Codex. This time, we’ve looked at the Orks, T’au and Adeptus Custodes. Those who have purchased one of these Codexes and redeemed the code in the app will be granted access to the new Detachment in the app for reference and army construction.”

Three New Detachments For Warhammer 40,000

Orks – More Dakka! Detachment

This new Ork Detachment grants Ork Walker and Infantry units Sustained Hits 2 for their shooting attacks. There’s also going to be new stratagems to tap into. For example there’s the new Long, Uncontrolled Bursts:

T’au – Experimental Prototype Cadre Detachment


This new T’au Detachment gives out Experimental Weaponry like candy. Rules-wise, that’s going to extend the range of their ranged weapons by 6″ for T’au Empire units. And naturally, they are also going to have their own set of Stratagems to use with this Detachment.

Adeptus Custodes – Lions of the Emperor Detachment

Forget about the dogs, who let these lions out!? The Adeptus Custodes Detachment will cause them to want to fight solo because they will get +1 to hit and +1 to wound when no friendly units are within 6″ of them. There’s even a Stratagems that allows you to split up those Terminator-armored Custodian units up further for a bigger impact:


Talk about your combat squads…yikes.

One final note is that all of these Detachments are tournament legal. You can find them in the 40k App or download them directly from the WarCom site.

Author: Adam Harrison
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