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Warhammer 40K: Top 5 Adeptus Custodes “Once-per-Game” Gilded Champion Combos

3 Minute Read
Mar 25 2025

Adeptus Custodes are full of once-per-game abilities, but their new Gilded Champion Stratagem super-charges them with some awesome combos.

The Adeptus Custodes new Stratagem is called “Gilded Champion” and it costs 1CP.  It can be used during any phase and it allows the Adeptus Custodes character to reuse their “once per battle” abilities.  You can only use this on a Character once but with the ability for some of these characters to discount the Stratagem this becomes a very powerful tool you can use. Here’s some our favorite combos to kick butt on the tabletop.

5. Blade Champion – Martial Inspiration

Once per battle this model can use this ability to get Advance & Charge for the model’s unit.  Having the ability to do it twice could be back breaking into an opponents army as the Wardens come in, kill something, and then get to do it again.

4. Trajann Valoris – Moment Shackle

Hey remember when Trajann was in every players army?  Well in the Lions detachment you can now activate 2+ invulnerable save twice or throw out two instances of 12 attacks as needed.  Both of these sound extremely powerful to have in your back pocket.

3. Shield-Captain on a Dawn Eagle Jetbike – Sweeping Advance

This once per battle ability lets the Captain and their unit either do a fallback after attacking if they are still in engagement range or a full normal move if not within engagement range after attacking.  You mix this with the Strategic Mastery rule and you now could do this Stratagem for free to get out of dodge as needed.  Plus as this fight time is happening at a different stage of the battle you could get to use this multiple times in a turn during different phases.


2. Shield-Captain – Master of the Stances

This model gets the ability to activate both instances of Ka’tah Stances during a battle and having it twice could be very beneficial to keeping him and his shield bros alive.  The model also has Strategic Mastery to allow you to make this stratagem cheaper and letting you activate it for free.

1. Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armor – Auramite and Adamantine

This is probably going to be the one to use the combo a lot, as it can easily turn on its “make” all damage 1 once a battle and then activate it again.  This guy is going to drop in, be a pain in the butt, and most likely wreck someone with this rule.  If you throw on the Enhancement to let him stand back up again and you have something that is just never going to die that much during a 5-turn game.

For the Emperor!


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