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Warhammer: Friendly PSA – AdeptiCon 2025 Previews Tonight

3 Minute Read
Mar 26 2025

Just a friendly reminder that the Warhammer Previews are happening tonight at AdeptiCon 2025 and you can catch it for yourself!

I hope you’re ready and have some caffeine prepared. Depending on what your timezone is you’re either going to want it tonight or for tomorrow morning. The Warhammer Preivews are happening and I’m pretty excited. It’s going to be a long night for me but that’s okay — I’ve got my coffee ready to go.

Warhammer Previews AdeptiCon 2025

If you’re going to stay up (or wake up really early depending on your timezone) you can catch the whole show streaming on the Warhammer Twitch Channel. Now, I’ve already talked about a few of the things I’m looking forward to seeing. There’s the Warhammer 40,000 predictions as well as the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ones, too. And while we’re here, let’s talk about what I think The Old World will have in store for us!

Warhammer: The Old World Predictions

As many eagle eyed folks the blurry image is actually a Grand Cathay teaser:

So it seems that in the future we are likely to get that army added to the game. That’s actually a really neat expansion although that does leave me wondering what happened to them during the End Times and where are they in the Age of Sigmar…but that’s another topic.


But before we get to that army we’ve still got both Beastmen and Wood Elves to cover. So I’m expecting to see a bit more from the Beastmen in the Old World. It’s going to be interesting to see what else the Beastmen are going to get. Considering they were one of the armies that existed in Age of Sigmar and then got pulled back to The Old World, I’m wondering if GW has some miniatures on the back burner than never got released for them.

As for the Wood Elves, well, there’s a whole lot that GW could do with this army. Personally, I’m hoping for a return of Orion. I think that would be a nice and simple fan favorite to bring back.

We’ll have to see what GW has been cooking up for them but I’m sure it’s going to be good stuff.


Also, don’t forget to check in all weekend long for game streaming from the Warhammer 40,000 Championships and the Team Tournament. It should be a good time!


Set your alarms and we’ll see you in the stream chat!

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer 40K: The Garden of Nurgle