‘Warhammer: The Old World’ – Inventive High Elf List Goes 5-0 At Brawler Bash

Lets take a look at a bit different type of High Elf list that won big at a Warhammer: The Old World event last week.
Last weekend saw the Brawler Bash take place in North Carolina. This is a great event that runs a mid sized GT. While it’s not one of the biggest events it is pretty competitive and some of the best US players showed up. Only one list went 5-0, to effectively be the Best General. And it’s not Brettonians! Instead it was a High Elf list that is a little different. The list was run by Zach Thompson, of the YouTube channel DMV Spicy Dice Boys (they do some nice batreps). The event was a 2500 pts kill em all style event with no comp, basically an ‘Ard Boyz. I chatted with Zach a bit about his list, so lets take a look.
The High Elf List
High Elf Realms
Zach Thompson (dapz)
313 – Archmage, Blood of Caledor, Barded Elven Steed, Wizard Level 4, Illusion, Full Plate Armour, Ogre Blade, Lore Familiar
228 – Noble, Battle Standard Bearer, Battle Banner, Blood of Caledor, Barded Elven Steed, Full Plate Armour, Spelleater Axe, Charmed Shield
313 – Prince, Shield, General, Pure of Heart, Tiranoc Chariot, Full Plate Armour, The White Sword, Dragon Helm, Seed of Rebirth
105 – 5 Ellyrian Reavers, Cavalry Spear, Shortbow, Scouts, Skirmishers
105 – 5 Ellyrian Reavers, Cavalry Spear, Shortbow, Scouts, Skirmishers
70 – 7 Elven Archers
70 – 7 Elven Archers 277 –
10 Silver Helms, Shield, High Helm, The Loremaster’s Cloak, Standard Bearer
382 – 8 Dragon Princes, Drakemaster, 2x Opal Amulet, Standard Bearer, War Banner, Musician
185 – 5 Dragon Princes
90 – Lothern Skycutters
90 – Lothern Skycutters
100 – Paladin, General, The Knight’s Vow, Falcon-horn of Fredemund
120 – 5 Mounted Knights of the Realm, The Knight’s Vow
50 – 10 Peasant Bowmen, Skirmishers
How the High Elf List Runs
As you can see it’s a pretty interesting list that isn’t just your standard Dragon list. Zach shared a few notes on the list:
- I brought allies for a falcon horn since I expected a million flying monsters. Peter the paladin was the MVP
- Prince on chariot usually went with the dragon princes. So I lost counter charge. Everyone was always charging me so I was just trying to tank everything.
- DPs do minimal damage with s3 ap0 lol. But they are ws5 2+/6+ save with glittering robe cast. So they really absorb a lot. People hit on 4s or 5s.
- The unit has close order / rank / banner / warbanner / bsb / battlebanner avg2. Avg static res of 7.
- All my active combat res from prince on chariot with white sword or spectral dapple ogre blade mage
- When I am vs solo characters on dragons like game 1 and 2. I accept their challenge with my champion in the DP unit (not even my monster slayer prince) I tank as much as possible with 2 opal amulets and break the dragon with double outnumber.
- Rest of my army was support. Archers I rarely even shot to save time, silver helms, 2nd DP unit, and realm knights there to help clear chaff.
- Huge weakness of my list is terror checks. (I didn’t playtest enough and there is a 25pt lion banner which I am replacing the warbanner with which auto passes terror)
- The TK opponents had me taking 4-6 terror checks and a fear check before I could even fight the combat. Very scary.”
So while this list is a different take we are still looking at a pretty big 1000 pts death star unit that does much of the heavy lifting here. It’s still a pretty cool load out.
How the High Elves Played At The Event
Zach managed to go 5-0 at the event, the only one who did so. Another player, Phil, who he beat, managed to squeak out best overall with 4-1. the list faced three TK’s over the event and Zach’s favorite pictures, of which he sent me a few are “of me getting sandwiched by all the TK necros and huge combats.” Zach also shared a few more thoughts on how things ran at the event:
- “Mvp in order Paladin falcon horn Ogre Blade mage Ld10 prince to pass terrors.
- Impetuous didn’t really screw me up like I thought it would. Or the lack of counter charge. Drilled was awesome. It’s a lot of fun.
- I ended up playing chaos/empire/ 3 TKs. Total of 7 necrosphinx and 4 bone dragons, 2 chaos dragons, 1 imperial Griffon.
- My character saves are prince 2+/5+ Mage 3+/6+ Bsb 2+/6+ I failed lookout sirs vs my empire gunline opponent and had to make saves on my characters early or die!
- I did Land 3 monster slayers vs Phil in game 5. That’s probably relevant. (However Phil killed about 50 more vps over the whole event to snag best general, it was that close!- ed)”
Thoughts On The List
Overall I think this is a pretty cool and different list. It’s nice to see something other than Brets win events (even if they did tag along). Now it’s only a list that can work at an event with no comp and allies allowed, which are a little rare, but it’s cool. I really like the idea of taking a small allied group to get the Falcon Horn to shut down fly. Zach also mentioned that he liked Knights of the Realm more than Silver Helms.
Putting a Prince on a chariot with the White Sword in the unit is also pretty inventive and we don’t see that very often. It’s a good use of the light chariot (Zach got that idea from “my Australian friend and SBOT winner Denarius.”) The whole unit is obviously very tank-y and took a ton of charges as it clear from the pictures. It’s kind of rare to see a cavalry unit that is so unconcerned with charging. Glittering Robes is a great buff on this unit and I’ve long though it’s an underused spell.
It does seem a little reliant on getting off some spells, like Robes and Doppleganger and feels a bit like a flubbed spell could screw over the list. At this event it also didn’t go up vs a very wide verity of lists. I’d be interested to see how it fares vs a VC scream list or how it goes vs a Peg Knight Deathstar. None of that is to take away from Zach’s five wins, those are impressive! And I do like that this list is a bit different and has some inventive and different touches to it. So congrats again to Zach on a well played event!
Let us know what you think about Zach’s list, down in the comments!