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‘Warhammer: The Old World’ – The Five Best Spells In The Game

6 Minute Read
Mar 5 2025

Magic is a big part of Warhammer, and these spells are the best in the Old World.

Battles in the Old World are spread over many phases, with some having more direct effects that others. One thing runs throughout all these phases, magic. Magic is a major part of games in the Old World. Depending on your build and lists it can play an important supporting rule or it can be the central gimmick of your army. It’s a powerful force that can often change the course of games. Now we’ve already looked at the best lores you can take. So today lets dig a little deeper and look at the best spells the game has to offer. These are power spells that can turn the tide or a game and/or ones you can build a list around. While just about any spell can be good in the right combo- these are the ones that really stand out for me.

N.B. For this list I am just going to look at core rule book spells that can be used by several armies. Some armies have very powerful bound spells or signature spells, but they normally work within the confines of that army and you won’t be choosing which lores to take based on them. 

5. Battle Lust (Dark Magic)

We are going to start off with one of my favorites, Battle Lust. This is to me likely the best offensive buff spell in the game. It effectively gives a whole unit +1 attack and allows them to re-roll hits for the turn. That is a massive buff to any units damage output. There is basically no combat unit that won’t be improved by this (unless they already have Frenzy and Hatred). But of course larger, and more powerful units, such as heavy cav, will benefit from it the most. Because you chose when to cast it and it only lasts until the end of the turn you avoid most of the downsides of being Frenzied while still getting the benefits.

It’s also a spell with a decent casting range. While this does mean it can’t effect units in combat, and is slightly less powerful than some range-self spells, Demonic Vessel might offer a little more raw power for instance, it is more flexible. With it you can keep your caster out of combat, and put it on the unit you need it on. You are also a lot more able to keep your caster out of enemy dispel range, while still being able to throw it on a friendly unit. Used right this spell can swing a battle.

4. Walk Between Worlds

Walk Between World in contrast to Battle Lust, is the best defensive buff in the game. Used correctly this one can also turn the tide of games. While it has two main buffs, Reserve Move is just the cherry on top. The real reason to use this spell is for Ethereal. Since you can only be hurt by magic weapons this seriously upgrades any units survivability. Indeed against the right army it can just make your unit immune to damage. There are a number of combos built around using this to become very very hard to kill and counter a lot of enemy builds. Range Self however is a double edged sword as while it can be cast while in combat, it requires you to have your wizard in the right place. It’s also a decently hard spell to get off, meaning you are normally looking at a lvl 4 running it.

3. Spectral Doppelganger


Next up we have old Spectral Doppelganger, which is to me the best assailment spell in the game. Now placing this one is a little hard, as assailments aren’t normally all that great in my eyes. Moreover you really need to build a combo to get the most out of the spell. The spell lets the caster do 2d6 auto hits in combat. So even without any kind of buffs that’s not horrible and pretty high up there on the assailment chart. 2d6 S3 or S4 hits ain’t nothing. Of course where it shines is with a powerful weapon, since the attacks get to use that weapon. This opens up some really crazy options, with multi-wound attacks, killing blow or monster slayer. A well built character who has cast Doppelganger basically instantly becomes the most deadly combatant in any fight. It’s a bit hard to pull off, but Doppelganger can absolutely swing games and is something to build around. (It’s also a bit of rules nightmare with several FAQs).

2. Pillar of Fire

Pillar of Fire is without a doubt the best Magical Vortex in the game. This is a class of spells that I normally feel is a big lackluster. Most of their effect just feel a bit either weak or convoluted. But Pillar does everything you want it to do. This is a pretty simple spell. It just does some hits. It does a decent number of hits, at low S yes, but with AP -2 which is clutch. That’s good enough to get in a few wounds. As a Vortex it can hit multiple unit a turn. Most importantly it moves on each players turn and, unlike most other vortices, in a direction chosen by the caster, not a random one.

All of this makes Pillar of Fire just a very reliable damage dealer. You can cast it, and if placed right it can run back and forth though the enemy line, hitting many units, all game. As a remains in play vortex it’s also possible to cast it in a way that the enemy has a lot of trouble countering. A single pillar can really destroy groups of light enemy units. Of course Pillar is best used in groups of it’s own and this makes it a spell to build a list around. There are several army builds (though Wood Elves now have a harder time) that center around getting off several Pillars at once and having them slowing chip away at the enemy over turns. It’s just a really great and reliable spell.

1. Miasmic Mirage


Lastly we have the best Hex in the game and in my eyes the most swingy spell there is. Yes, Miasmic Mirage has some downsides. It’s got a relatively shortish range, meaning most enemies will get a chance to make a real Dispel. Yes, it’s also pretty hard to cast at an 11+. But it’s effects are crazy. To start off with the enemy gets a -2 to movement. That on it’s own would be a pretty solid spell, though hard to use. However much more importantly the enemy also can’t march or charge. Used against a combat unit this spell can completely shut down their ability to add to the game. They can basically just sit there and take it. With the other debuffs they often can’t even do much in the way of positioning (poor Dwarfs sitting there with a 1 inch move). There really isn’t another spell that can just take an enemy unit of the game for a bit. There is nothing else quite like it for just shattering an enemies plans.

Let us know what you think the best spells are, down in the comments! 

Author: Abe Apfel
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