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GEEKERY: NEW Batman v Superman Trailer

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Dec 5 2015
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DC gives us a peek at next year’s release, and it’s getting mixed reviews. Take a look and share your thoughts…

The team on this: Zack Snyder in the director’s chair with David Goyer (Nolan’s Batman trilogy) and Chris Terrio (Argo) behind the screenplay. A little bit of a mixed bag.

I’ll be honest here: It’s super pretty (Man of Steel was visually gorgeous, but I think we all know how that turned out), Affleck’s Batman voice doesn’t suck, and it seems to have a sense of humor other DC releases have lacked. I think the biggest “oh, no… don’t do that” moment for me was when Jesse Eisenberg opened his mouth. That’s not Lex Luthor, in my opinion… maybe he’ll come into the character we all know and loath when he loses all of that hair?

Ok, DC fans: what are your thoughts?

Author: Mars Garrett
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