GMM’s Year in Review Part 2 – The Golden Throne, Rebels, Marines

Hello BoLS! 2015 is a wrap and with that comes the yearly tradition of recapping all the projects I have completed through the course of the year.
Modelling and painting are my life, but the last days of a project, photography and sending the finished images to the client, is an exhilarating cherry on top of what is always a long labor of love. It is a shame that in today’s fast paced world that moment is always fleeting, so these yearly collections are a great excuse to go back and remember the fun that was had and for some of you possibly catch something you may have missed.
While I take many images of each project, it is not possible to fit them all within the scope of these articles. Feel free to check the links below each set for more photos.
Thanks to all my clients who made 2015 my biggest and best yet. Every project this year was very unique, and 2016’s schedule is looking equally packed with interesting projects. Happy New Year and see you on the other side!
For general information on my services:
Let’s start part two off with the biggest project of the year. At eight feet tall and weighing in around 200 pounds, this display was for Adepticon 2015. Adepticon displays are my only personal project for the year, where I do something a little more off the wall and sculptural. This year I chose to tackle my own interpretation of the Golden Throne. For all images and my cheesy but fun write up on the back story for the project both visually and in process, click here.
More from Adepticon, here is the charity army from this year’s event as well. Inspired by another rebel base of science fiction legend, and making more use of my scenic backyard. Not a typical huge army, but a fun exercise and the winner was quite excited.
Even more from Adepticon! This teal Marine army was a client’s team tournament project, hence all the cannons. This was a fun color to mix, and gave the armor a real gem-like quality.
That’s it for part two. See you tomorrow for more, and Happy New Year!