Getting Excited for Age of Sigmar!
Hey everyone, Reecius here to talk about the Frontline Gaming upcoming Age of Sigmar learning league!
So we here at Frontline Gaming will be launching an Age of Sigmar learning league among the staff, and we invite anyone so inclined to join in with us!
Age of Sigmar has been a rocky road as a game, with some very, very strong feelings provoked by it. It is the replacement for Warhammer Fantasy, and a large change from that game. It is a very casual rule set, very laid back, simple with an emphasis on fun. It lacks a great deal of structure which makes it easily accessible to new players but it can be a turn off for experienced players that enjoy organized styles of play. Plus, this new move by Games Workshop to engage their community again is awesome, and we hope the trend continues.
All of that is changing though, as Games Workshop is releasing a points system for the game! That is exciting news. Our staff at Frontline Gaming will be joining in on the fun and starting a learning league for the game. We all love the models but the game itself has been a bit luke warm for us. Having a bit more structure is very appealing for the type of game we like to play!
We’re starting with 25 wounds and adding 25 wounds a month until we’ve built full armies. So far,
- Jason is playing Khorne
- Frankie is Playing Duardin Fyreslayers
- Mariana is playing Lizardmen
- Pablo is playing Stormcast Eternals
- Reece is playing Wood Elves (Wanderers and Sylvaneth)
- Brandon is playing Undead
It should be a blast! We’ve got quite a few folks that want to join in on the fun by building up their armies and sending in pictures of their progress for our blog and relating their battle reports! It should be a ton of fun.
~How are all of you feeling about Age of Sigmar, these days? Would you be interested in joining a learning league for Age of Sigmar?
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells Games Workshop product at up to 25% off, every day!