Future 40K, AoS Grows, X-Wing, Infinity & More!

July 4th Weekend of over – boy did you miss A LOT!
GW: New Releases July 2nd “Pricing & Links”
Pre-orders for GW are out – It’s Sylvaneth and a few Game-changers this week from Games Workshop!
AoS: General’s Handbook – First Looks
Come take a look inside the covers of this new game changer – It’s the Age of Sigmar General’s Handbook!
40K: Daemon Primarchs & New Edition
One of the industry’s best rumormongers is talking all about where 40K is headed.
X-Wing: New FAQ Winners & Losers
The new X-Wing: The Miniatures Game FAQ has gone live, whats changed, whats good, what got hit so hard with the nerf bat that people are quitting.
GW: Developer Chat & Art of Sylvaneth
Listen to a GW developer and enjoy the amazing artwork and contents of Battletome Sylvaneth.
Infinity: Developer Interview with Carlos Bostria
BoLS brings you an original interview with Infinity Developer Carlos Bostria!
AoS: The Generals Handbook is a STEAL!
1 year on, GW reboots Age of Sigmar with a deal so cheap it’s hard to believe!
FW: Mechanicum Taghamata Drone Inbound
The Mechanicum Drone has been teased – come see what’s on the way from Forge World!
~Alright- onto the week – it’s going to be Heresy-rific!