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40K: Magnus the Red Stats CONFIRMED!

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Nov 23 2016
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Come see the latest stats from the upcoming Wrath of Magnus campaign book – confirmed by Nottingham.

We’ve all been waiting to see exactly what a Daemon Primarch would look like stats-wise. The wait is over:

via GW 11-23-2016


“In the game, Magnus is a Lord of War choice for a Chaos Space Marines force. As you would expect, his rules are formidable indeed, with a statline to rival anything in Warhammer 40,000. He can contemptuously smash a Space Marine hero into pulp or slice a Wraithknight in half.

But it’s in the psychic phase that Magnus really comes into his own (in fact, we’re considering just changing the name of the phase to “Magnus’ phase”). The Crimson King knows no fewer than 15 powers, and is able to cast them with an ease no one else can match. He even has his very own power, Gaze of Magnus, a spell powerful enough to send a Baneblade to oblivion.”

Read More Here

~ Look for all the beans to spill this Saturday!



Author: Larry Vela
  • GW: Ahriman Mini & Designer Interview

    Warhammer 40K