New Blood Bowl Models From Forge World

Forge World is getting in on all that Blood Bowl action with a pair of new models to keep an eye on things – check it out!
Looks like the folks in Nottingham are pretty excited about Blood Bowl because even Forge World wants to make some models for it. Now, every organized sport needs a ref or two to keep things fair and we all know how “fair” a game of Blood Bowl is, right? So here come a pair of Referees to help from Forge World!
via Forge World (Warhammer Community)
“Hey, Jim, did you see the Full Beard Cup this weekend?”
“I’m afraid not, Bob. I’m sure I’ll catch the Cabalvision reruns, though. Frankly, I’m surprised they didn’t ask us to commentate!”
“Yeah, they had a pair of namby-pamby humans instead. From the look of ’em, they’d never last a second on the pitch!”
“Well, not all of us are such naturals, Bob. Anyway, how was it to spectate for once?”
“It was real nice, Jim. And I’m telling you, there was some seriously dirty play. One team – Wood Elves, can you believe it – had ten players sent off over the weekend!”
Advertisement“That’s an average of two per game… talk about filthy!”
“Yeah, the fans loved it, but the commissioners weren’t happy. I hear they’re recruiting some new referees!”
“Ooh, interesting. I imagine they’re going for big, strapping types like yourself, all the better to keep order?”
“Uh, well… I guess they don’t wanna spend that much gold…”
These two refs look like they mean business. They very clearly have their eyes on what matters during a game. Look at their hawk-like stares! This pair of eagle-eyed officials won’t let a single foul or dirty play go in one of there games. Nope – no more shenanigans on the pitch – just a good clean game of Blood Bowl…
Keep YOUR eagle-eyes on the Forge World site for these two models in December.
“They are looking up cause they are short. Not because they are distracted by anything…Really!”