Forge World: Upcoming Minis Mystery – Solved

Forge World is back with more teasers for those upcoming minis – And now they are fully exposed!
image via Forge World (facebook) 12-31-2016
Previously we had some rough ideas of what we were looking at:
- It looks like an ax-head
- It appears to have surface detailing with linear elements and maybe rivets
- The detailing appears to be symmetrical
- An elbow with a studded forearm guard
- A big flat thing in the middle???
- I think that’s a tank thingy on the bottom.
- I’m starting to think this is a collage image showing multiple models.
- And some giant coils down on the bottom right.
- I’m starting to think we have 40K/30k/AoS/Blood Bowl all in here…
- I see a face with horns on the middle far right below the elbow.
Now we’ve got some additional spikes coming out of what looks like some type of pauldron or shoulder pad.
The full reveal comes January 2nd – any thoughts on what this massive kit bash could be?
While everyone was still guessing this morning the Warhammer Community Team pulled the covers off the whole operation!
You have been WARNED!
It WAS three models! Those sneaky folks at Forge World have struck again.
Is it a Jackal? It’s a Jackal! It looks like a Jackal! A Jackal!