2017 has been an great year for gaming, and we’ve had a wonderful time bringing every one of you the gaming coverage you’ve come to expect from BoLS.
2017 brought us the reboot of Warhammer 40,000 with 8th Edition leading the way, coming on the hells of the Rise of the Primarch trilogy which wrapped up 7th Ed. We saw a ton of amazing GW kits and ranges like the Guilliman, Kharadron Overlords, Death Guard and Mortarion that fans have been dreaming of for years!
FFG pushed full speed ahead with a surprise unveiling of Star Wars tabletop miniatures game Star Wars Legion plus many Star Wars Armada, and X-Wing ships including the Hammerhead Frigate and the Resistance Bomber. The Last Jedi hit at the end of the year and only increased the fact that Star Wars will be a potent thriving universe for gaming in the years ahead. Privateer Press has a tremendous year with Warmachine/Hordes’ latest faction Grymkin sending shockwaves and excitement through the community.
Dungeons and Dragons brought us the return of fan favorite classics with the newly reimagined Tomb of Annihilation and Xanathar’s Guide, while Paizo rolled out the highly anticipated sci-fi counterpart to Pathfinder, Starfinder. 2018 looks to be even better for tabletop gaming, RPGs & boardgames with new arrivals and amazing products coming out of the woodwork. Here’s to bigger and better toy soldiers, games & adventures for us all!
We have big plans and ton of new features and coverage planned for the new year. We’re only getting started!
Thanks for reading!
~Open new years thread guys, jump in! How’s your New Year celebrations going, and what are you planning for your gaming in 2018?