New 40K Minis, Age of Sigmar 2, GW Monster Bonus & 40K 8th Turns 1

This weekend we got everything from Age of Sigmar to 40K Knights, 8th Editions birthday and a monster bonus for Nottingham!
40K: Freeblade Free-For-All
We took the new Imperial Knight Codex for a spin by playing a custom scenario. Now you can try out the Freeblade Free-For-All!
Star Wars: X-Wing 2.0 – Lando’s Millennium Falcon Is ‘Fast Enough’
When it comes to getting you where you need to go there are lots of ships that can do it – but only one can do it in style! Say hello to Lando’s Millennium Falcon, coming to X-Wing 2.0.
Age of Sigmar: The Idoneth Deepkin And An Endless Spell
Today we have the final faction preview before Age of Sigmar 2.0 comes out (unless they ninja announce another faction), as well as a look at the Suffocating Gravetide Endless Spell. Come take a look at the monsters and magic of the Age of Sigmar.
Geekery: Japanese Tech Companies Build Real Transformer
This funky looking, functional car can transform into robot with the push of a few buttons – with passengers inside of it.
GW: Armigers & Lore This Week For Pre-Order – Pricing & Links
Games Workshop’s got a release for the littlest Knight – The Armiger Warglaives are back and ready to take some swipes with their fancy new attacks.
GW: Massive Bonus – Games Workshop Due For Banner Year
GW reports that it expects to double its profits this year, and is distributing a massive five million pound bonus with its employees in recognition of the work they’ve done. It is a very good year for Warhammer.
Level Up in the Frozen Cities of Frostgrave
As mentioned before, my two favorite game systems currently include Bolt Action and Frostgrave. In today’s post, we take a closer look at Frostgrave and why you might want to consider giving it a try.
40K: Happy Birthday Eighth Edition
This time last year, Eighth Edition was released. Now, one year later, most of the codexes are out, there have been several new minis, and the game looks like it’s headed in a great direction.
Age of Sigmar: Soul Wars Next Week’s Sole War
Next week from GW: the big release of Age of Sigmar, 2nd Edition. This is going to be a massive release, looks like they’re ready to hit the ground–or whatever passes for it in the Mortal Realms, running.
~Onto Age of Sigmar 2 week!