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Tabletop Gallery: RUN – It’s got a Plunger!

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Jun 22 2018
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Even Nagash needs plumbers… You all come up with his special rules in the comments.

From John H.

I have been following BOLS for nearly 5 years now and I just opened up my gaming store a month ago, (Torchlight games and hobbies) And we had a community event for helping paint the aos2 review set of models, one of them decided that the bell on one of the ghosts looked like a plunger so naturally they decided to turn it into one. And then the bombardment of “Crapster your friendly local plumber” and “Custodian of the damned” jokes commenced.

Enjoy. If you have an awesome wargame shot you think would make a great BoLS pic of the day, email us. We love spectacle and characterful shots so let’s see what you budding photographers can do! Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, X-Wing, Warmachine/Hordes, Star Wars LEGION, Bolt Action, Infinity, Armada & Flames of War miniatures photos are welcome.

Author: Larry Vela
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