Age of Sigmar: Next Week – Night Haunts and Stormcasts Get New Battletomes
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Next week from GW: two new battletomes. One for Nighthaunts and one for Stormcast Eternals. Get ready to battle it out with the first two battletomes of the new edition.
Age of Sigmar’s 2nd Edition is definitely following the 8th Edition release model with a big boxed set coming out, and two new battletomes following close on its heel. And much like 8th Edition’s release, you’ll find the big “heroes” of the setting facing off against powerful evil forces. And these Nighthaunt are under Nagash’s command, so you could say they’re like his guard, and since Nagash is Death, they’re like some kind of death…guard.
At any rate, you can read on about the first two tomes of 2nd Edition below.
via Warhammer Community
Hot on the heels of the new edition come its inaugural two battletomes, each providing vastly expanded rules and lore for their respective armies. We’ll be previewing both Battletome: Stormcast Eternals and Battletome: Nighthaunt in more detail next week.
Both of these Battletomes, as you might imagine, expand the army. You’ll find all the new units that are included in the Soul Wars boxed set, as well as a few extras, rules for Warscrolls, expanded lore, and closer look at the unfolding narrative behind Nagash and Sigmar’s throwdown spectacular. Including something that promises to add “a touch of darkness to the Stormcasts.”
Not exactly sure what that means, I mean, how could an army of basically undead warriors and heroes who are continually reforged into Eternal warriors who lose a little of their humanity with each reforging, becoming more and more like the monsters they fight–the same warriors who would purge a town rather than see it be corrupted–how could they possibly have any “darkness” at all?
Oh I see. One of the Vindicators. He looks very red–someone should tell Khorne that Nagash isn’t the only one Sigmar’s copying.
BUT! In addition to the Codices, there are ALSO two new boxed sets, faction-specific Endless Spells. These are amazing, take a look!
They look incredibly cool–the Stormcasts have, as you might expect, lots of hammers, lightning, cogs, and a comet:
The Dais Arcanum, for instance, gives your chosen Stormcast Eternals Wizard a flying platform from which they can unbind spells more effectively and shield themselves from harm, while the Everblaze Comet smashes your foes apart – then continues to deliver deadly pulses of energy that deal mortal wounds – great for not-so-gently discouraging your foes from standing in one spot. Our favourite, though, has to be the Celestian Vortex – who doesn’t love a hurricane of hammers?
And then on the Nighthaunt side of things, a big scythe, an hour class, and the chest from the 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo.
Someone should find Flim Flam and Vincent Price.
The Shyish Reaper, on the other hand, is the giant scythe. And it’s like a different kind of Aethervoid Pendulum.
And as you see Nagash can cast them, because he’s the Supreme Lord of the Undead. And what’s more he’s a Supreme Lord of the Undead who is bringing in some new ghosts with him this week. Including Olynder, Mortarch of Grief:
And then she is joined by Crawlocke the Jailor and a few Chain Ghasts:
Nighthaunt armies are defined by their powerful Hero choices and overlapping aura abilities, and the Spirit Torment’s is one of the best – for reference, he lets all Nighthaunt units nearby re-roll 1s to hit, as well as healing them when enemy models are slain. Usually, this ability has a fairly limited range – but if you add in some Chainghasts, spectral attendants who assist the Spirit Torment, you’ll be able to extend it much further, allowing you to empower even the largest hordes of Chainrasps.
And accompanying all these heroes and leaders is a horde of ghostly troops.
But Nighthaunts aren’t the only ones getting new models. The Stormcasts are getting a new Hero/Wizard, the Lord Exorcist:
And he can cast some cool spirit and daemon fighting type spells:
And of course there’s a lot of accessories, custom dice, and all the assorted accoutrements that come along with any Battletome as well.
This is a big week for the Age of Sigmar, so get ready to battle your way across the Mortal Realms.
Get ready, Stormcasts and Nighthaunts–which ones are you looking forward to?