40K: Leaked White Dwarf Pics Confirm More Looted Vehicles For Orks

Looted wagons aren’t the only looted vehicles you’ll be able to find in the next Chapter Approved. Come see the other types of contraptions the Orks will be able to cobble together, according to leaked images in the latest White Dwarf.
Looted Wagons are the pinnacle of Orkish technology–after all, the Orks are taking inferior Human, Chaos, or other Xenos technology, which doesn’t have nearly enough dakka, spikes, armor plates, or extra engines, and improving it until it’s suited to crash headlong into combat, helmed by an Ork. You know, way Gork (or possibly Mork) intended. And we saw on Monday that Looted Wagons are coming to Chapter Approved–but today we’re back with a look at the two other types of Looted Vehicles you’ll be able to put together.
All of this information comes from leaked Ork pics rounded up from Reddit and Imgur. So let’s saddle up and dive in to find out more about Looted Karts and Battle Fortresses.
via Reddit/Imgur
It starts with a very skewed image that announces not only will Looted Wagons be coming to the new Chapter Approved, but Looted Karts and Battlefortresses will as well, according to redditor Badger118.
What is a Looted Kart or Battle Foretress, you might be wondering, well for answers we turn to elsewhere on Imgur, where we find some clarification along with a photo of a cobbled together Flame Tank.
So apparently Looted Karts are any transports–trukks that have no rukk or even squig, but that are still somehow useful in Orkish hands–while Battle Fortresses bring Baneblade-sized new toys to everyone’s favorite boyz. Nothing like taking an enemy lord of war and orking it up good and proper.
You can see some grots right here, just getting ready to rework this Riptide into something worth riding in.
Speaking of Grots–from elsewhere on Imgur, we find a picture of a Grot Cutta–presumably one of the Looted Kart conversions. Check it out!
So there you have it folks. More vehicles, more looting, all kitbashed together with rules coming in the 2018 Chapter Approved.
What are you going to turn into your looted Battle Fotress first?