40K: Beta Codex For A Better Codex

The 2018 edition of Chapter approved has the Sisters of Battle Beta Codex, but is this Beta the Alpha, or the Omega?
Chapter Approved updates points costs for units and wargear, bringing balance to a beleaguered game stretched thin at times by enterprising players with a penchant for technically legal shenanigans. We’ve seen beta rules before, introduced in things like the Big FAQ–but this marks the first time we are seeing a Beta Codex.
The Sisters of Battle are certainly generating some hype, getting a playtestable version of their Codex in the new Chapter Approved. But what does that mean exactly? Our best guess is that we’ll probably see things like a full list of faction rules, warlord traits, psychic powers, relics, and stratagems. But about potential new units might not be revealed just yet–after all, they’re still being made for 2019. Probably. Maybe.
If nothing goes wrong.
That alone is a pretty exciting move on GWs part–if they manage that, it means that the main factions will all have their full suite of rules by the end of 2018, as we’re expecting GSC soon as well. But once the Sororitas are out in the wild, will we see another Chapter Approved codex, beta or otherwise?
It would be a good way for GW to test some of the new things they’ve been teasing in the background of their newer material. Things like whoever is behind the Spindle Drones or some of the alien/empyrean weirdness buried in the lore sections of the books. Especially with the Age of Sigmar getting a swath of new factions, and seeing some of their older factions getting reinvented, the empty corners of 40K look a little barren in comparison.
We’ve seen mini-dexes so far–the Elucidian Starstriders and the Gellarpox Infected–it seems like if GW wanted to bring in new blood, they’re laying out some excellent framework. Introduce a cool new mini here, test the community’s reaction there. And between this Beta Codex and the inclusion of matched play points and 40K datasheets and introducing. After the Primaris hit, it seemed pretty clear that the community is open to new things.
There’s nothing so beloved and universally accepted, after all, as the Primaris Marines. Except maybe the T’au, everyone’s favorite (for the greater) good guys. But space remains to explore what we’ve only seen hinted at, even if we keep it focused on the Imperium vs. Chaos. The two missing batches of Marines, perhaps, or a supplement for bounty hunters, inquisitors, and rogue traders.
Popular rumor holds that GW is soon going to be returning to its 7th Edition model of releasing codexes that advance the narrative while adding new things in smaller batches. Vigilus seems primed for that. Either way, when the great rift opened, so too did the possibilities for the future of 40k. And with the codexes (mostly) being out, now’s the time to try and take the measure of the wind and see where we’re heading.
Where we’re going, there’s only war…
We’ll have to see what Chapter Approved heralds, but let’s put the question over to you.
How would you add new factions? How would you progress 40K? Take it away commenters!