Arkham Horror: TCG – Return To The Dunwich Legacy Preview

You just can’t keep a good Elder God down. Check out what’s new and what challenges await you for your Return To The Dunwich Legacy in Arkham Horror: The Card Game!
Arkham Horror: The Card Game is a RPG-lite Deck building adventure game that I can’t get enough of – it scratches a lot of different itches for me and it’s absolutely a difficult and challenging game. For me, it’s a magical combination of theme, mechanics, and progression that I really enjoy. That’s why I’m excited about the upcoming Return To The Dunwich Legacy.
For the uninitiated, The Dunwich Legacy was the first full-fledged expansion set (aka Mythos Cycle) for Arkham Horror: TCG. If you’re an H.P. Lovecraft fan, you’ll recognize the name is a play on The Dunwich Horror by Lovecraft. In fact, this story is a direct sequel of sorts to that work. This realization was actually the catalyst for me really diving into all things Arkham Horror and Lovecraftian. It set me off on a literary journey* as well as many adventured with the card game.
“So what up with this new box? Is it just a re-release?” No, not quite. First off, it’s a deck box – which, duh – that you’ll find will have ample room to store the complete Dunwich Legacy Mythos cycle. It also comes with 32 divider cards so you can keep everything nice and organized as well. If you’ve played or have started collecting the set then you’ll appreciate all those extras, believe me!
The box also contains 81 new scenario cards and 23 new player cards, too. The scenario cards are supplemental to The Dunwich Legacy campaign – you will need to have access to the Dunwich Legacy Mythos Cycle to fully utilize these new scenario cards. “What are those cards for, exactly?” Good question. The “Return” boxes are designed to allow you to go back through the campaign you’ve played previously but this time with some added surprises, challenges, and of course dangers.
Fear not because the 23 new player cards will also allow you to up your game with some new and improved versions of cards. For example “Strange Solution” was a card you could get in the original campaign and it had 3 different versions you could research your way into. This set adds a new version of that card:
There are many more cards like this. Oh – and along with those new enemies to fight, there is also a chance you might run into some new and unexpected allies like Naomi O’Bannion:
Many of the locations set in The Dunwich Legacy have been slightly modified as well. For example the Clover Club Lounge has a different ability players can choose to activate:
You could mix in these locations with your original set and deal them out normally to have a very different experience. And don’t worry about getting them mixed together – the icon for the set in the lower right of the card is inverted colorwise so you can easily pull them out when you’re packing up for easy storage. Just like the new Treachery cards you’ll have to deal with in the Encounter Deck:
Finally, if you’re looking for an even greater challenge, there are the new Ultimatums to try. These are challenges designed for the bold players who want to try and make the game as tough as possible. For example, one of the Ultimatums adds a second auto-fail token into the bag while another removes the Elder Sign altogether! Another challenge requires you to have Naomi O’Bannion at your side when taking on Seth Bishop in the campaign – a task that is easier said than done!
Return To The Dunwich Horror is a new spin on the first full Mythos Cycle. If you’re looking for an excuse to run through that campaign again but want it to feel new and fresh than take a crack at it later this year! It’s up for pre-order right now from FFG or your FLGS!
Return to the Dunwich Legacy $29.95
You thought the cases were closed, relegated to a past that was best left forgotten. Beginning with a search for two missing Miskatonic University professors, your inquiries in The Dunwich Legacy launched you on a campaign that led from the decrepit streets of Dunwich to the infamous Clover Club and realms beyond. But questions from these strange investigations still linger, compelling you to board the train to Dunwich once more.
Return to the Dunwich Legacy invites you to re-open your old cases and experience the first full-length campaign for Arkham Horror: The Card Game with fresh eyes as you encounter new challenges and new surprises. Across this expansion’s 81 new scenario cards and 23 new player cards, you’ll explore new locations, face more ghastly treacheries, and enhance your investigator’s abilities as you face even more unspeakable terrors. Finally, Return to the Dunwich Legacy also features a premium box and thirty-two divider cards to conveniently store your complete campaign in one place.
*If you’re interested in more info about the works of H.P. Lovecraft but don’t have time to get a degree in the Mythos, I highly recommend checking out The H.P. Podcraft. It’s a pretty long running podcast and you can find it on any of the big podcasting services. They actually cover each of H.P. Lovecraft’s works and have since gone on to even more fantastical works of horror that have been set in the Lovecraftian Mythos – including the Dunwich Horror (Episodes 65-68 which you can listen to for FREE). This isn’t a sponsored plug but I’m a big fan of their work as they really helped educate me on Lovecraft. I appreciate their take on the Mythos and how they help to contextualize his work and life. It’s good stuff if you’re into that type of thing – so go check them out!
HPPodcraft on iTunes