Age Of Sigmar: Lore Of The Gloomspite Gitz

The Gloomspite Gitz are on the rise–as is the Bad Moon–and as its slimy, crawling influence spreads across the Mortal Realms, we learn more and more about the new Goblins with this fantastic new lore video.
Come sit down with the writers of the new Gloomspire Gitz battletome, and learn what makes this teeming horde of grots, troggoths, and squigs rove out from the safety of their underground warrens and crawl out over the face of the Mortal Realms. Mostly it’s Mushrooms. But also, it’s the Moon:
There’s a new tack for the Goblins that we’re seeing. They’re not just also-greenskins, but have their own place and society that fits into the larger mythology of Destruction (depending on which story you believe) and yet has its own distinct identity. And this identity informs their design, and gives them a dire new purpose.
There are three factions in the new book: the Spiderfang Grots, the Moonclan Grots, and of course the Troggoths. All of them can be their own distinct army, but they all play well together too. And a big part of this is the Bad Moon.
Whether you believe it’s a moon that Gorkamorka tried to take a bite out of, the egg of a skittering Spider God that was created when a spider bit Gorkamorka, and will one day hatch to cover the Mortal Realms with spiders–or whether you believe it’s an amalgamation of all the goblin spellslingers that have ever lived, swirled together into a massive orb in the sky–one thing is clear. The Bad Moon speaks to Goblins, it drives them. And what does it drive them to do? To slowly transform the Mortal Realms into a safe place for them (and a dangerous place for everyone else).
The new Goblins create skittering dankness wherever they go. And with them, hosts of mushrooms grow–and according to the Lore, Skragrott’s new mission has led the Goblins to transform a part of the Realm of Metal into a slithering shrine to the Bad Moon’s influence.
What more awaits them? What exactly is a Troggoth Herd and why does the Bad Moon seem to wax for Goblins and wane for the rest of the races of the Mortal Realms? We’ll find out soon enough, it seems.
Also Skragrott has a staff that turns creatures into mushroom hybrids and they gibber with prophecy–so really getting a strong minority report vibe from that…