Gloomspite Gitz Get An FAQ

The various Grots in the Gloomspite Gitz are a cunning, thieving bunch–so deceitful, in fact, that they’ve had manage to sneak an FAQ out of GW before even a month had gone by. Take a look at what’s new for the Gloomspite Gitz.
Here we are folks, the Gloomspite Gitz have finished the first two waves of their big release, unleashing a horde of Squigs upon the Mortal Realms, while Skitterstrand Arachnoroks crawl out of the web-works to snatch the souls of fallen enemies and devour them. But before the grotty battlecries of their triumphant reveal can die down, a batch of FAQ have arrived to bring clarity to the oft-murky dealings of the goblins. Come take a look.
via Games Workshop
Most of the changes have to do with Command Abilities–it seems those gobbos are both more and less commandery than you might have initially thought; which seems about on par with what we know to be true of Goblins. First things first, there’s a slight change in the way the Blessings of the Bad Moon interact with the Bad Moon Loonshrine–check it out:
There’s also been an adjustment to the Fanatic Followers table, now you get 5 of whatever it is you roll for:
And the Loonboss has had his aura changed, making it much bigger if it happens to be on your general–and this goes for both the regular and the mounted Loonbosses.
And speaking of bosses, let’s not gloss over the change to the Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider’s command ability as well.
All in all, the changes aren’t too major. Again, they seem like some tweaks made to the auras of the Gloomspite, which can help them take advantage of their numbers (and make up for the fact that most of the actual goblins are just terrible).
At any rate, you can download the full FAQ below, so be sure and check it out Commanders.
Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz FAQ/Errata
And let us know what you think in the comments!