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There’s Something Fishy About The Latest Reveal For The AoS RPG

2 Minute Read
Jun 26 2019
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It is a Mortal Realms Monday folks, and today we have a look at the Isharann Soulscryer Archetype for the upcoming AoS RPG, Soulbound. Dive on in!

Coming up from the depths, the Idoneth Deepkin get their own new archetype for the Age of Sigmar RPG–come feast your eyes on the Isharann Soulscryer. These otherworldly spellcasters are priests and guides of the Idoneth society, and you’ll be able to play one once the game comes out. This is pretty exciting, it feels like nothing’s off the table (at least at the moment) when it comes to things you can play, or roles you can dive into with Soulbound.

via Cubicle 7

Seekers and Guides

A diviner and an arcane tracker, by the light of their soul you hunt your quarry from across any distance.

A Soulscryer can see even in pitch darkness, able to navigate across any distance and through any obstacle if guided by the light of a single mortal soul. The Soulscryers are the priests of the Idoneth enclaves. To them falls the responsibility for guiding travellers through the whirlways, communicating with their fellow Soulscryers in distant enclaves, and divining the unfortunate targets of their Akhelian’s next raids. Many Soulscryers will accompany the Idoneth phalanxes, guiding them unerringly towards the battlefield and, once there, singling out the strongest souls for plunder. Others are more circumspect, highly adept at divining the true nature of another beings soul, and it is soulscryers such as these who will mark young Idoneth as being Isharannor Akhelion. Those Soulscryers of a more aggressive character may, in time, find themselves drawn to the path of the Soulrender, a more combative breed of Isharann with the power of ripping a mortal’s soul from their body.

“You cannot run from the Briomdar. Their soulscryers could follow the soul of a fly through the Garden of Nurgle. And guide the phalanx there to retrieve it.”

–         Lurien Soultaker, King of Briomdar


The Idoneth are an insular people with next to no interest in material wealth or dealings with those from beyond their watery borders. However, many enclaves, particularly the outward-looking Ionrach and their descendants, see the benefit in maintaining limited relations with trusted allies. The Soulscryer’s ability to maintain a magical connection with their home enclave makes them perfectly suited to such roles. Their ability to locate and find a single soul from anywhere in the Realms makes them highly sought after by the likes of Witch Hunters or just about anyone with an individual to track down or a grudge to settle. A Soulrender, meanwhile, might be content to prowl a Free City to plunder the souls of its dregs, or join a party of like-minded adventurers to terrorise a common foe.

Happy Adventuring!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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