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Kickstarter: Latest Creature Caster Updates

2 Minute Read
Feb 1 2014

that Kickstarter EVERYONE is talking about has put out two update videos you need to watch.

via Creature Caster

“We have a very important update: We have decided to extend our pre-campaign.”

“We realize this is short notice and apologize for any lost sleep. We are doing this to offer an entire new set of upgraded rewards to our backers. We did not originally expect the demand to be as huge as it has become, and we are now preparing to make this campaign bigger than ever, with the best rewards possible.
We are taking every precaution at the beginning of the campaign to ensure that everything goes smoothly in the end. We know that you will be happy that we decided to make this small change, because it will ultimately lead to huge rewards for our backers. Trust me, you are going to really love these new rewards. We thank you for your continued support.”

The Original introduction video

There are many more minis…


~You can pick up your tongue now…

Author: Larry Vela
  • Kingdom Death: Stunning Minis Made of WHAT!!!