Wargaming New Year Resolutions

Its 2014 and that means time to break out the New Year’s resolutions. How do your’s compare?
1) Play 1 game a week minimum (I don’t care what it is, just play – make the time)
2) Enforce the only 1 unpainted unit rule in an army. If I want it that bad – I can paint it to a 3 color minimum and get it on the tabletop. I consider playing with silver to be rude to my opponent.
3) Try to master 2 systems. So far its looking like Warhammer 40,000 and Warmachine are going to be it.
4) Once per quarter play another game – just try to get in a pickup game. I’m thinking, X-Wing Dystopian Wars, Infinity and Warhammer Fantasy. Probably Dreadball too.
5) Face the “wall of unpainted purchases” Pull out my 3 most desired units and get em lined up and ready for paint.
6) Only buy a new unit for every unpainted one I finish (see #5).
7) Try to paint up just 1 tables worth of quality terrain for my home table. A lovely table just draws friends into the hobby – and I can have cocktails in my house!
8) Organize my hobby table – clean out all the garbage, ditch the paint dregs, and refill my palette with new pots where needed.
9) New brushes – seriously – its gotten embarrassing.
10) Go to 2 tournaments this year – play in one hardcore for the glory, play in one all fluffy for the hobby.
~Which ones are you trying for?