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WFB RUMORS: Multiplayer Action & 9th Edition Latest

2 Minute Read
Oct 15 2013

We have word of next month’s latest Warhammer Fantasy Hardcover rules expansion, and the latest word on 9th Edition.  Even you 40K players should check this  one out…

First up, the White Dwarf lists a rulebook called:

Triumph and Treachery
This is a supplement that focuses on multiplayer games and in particular games for 3-5 players.  It has all the standard color plates, new rules, and sample games involving up to 5 players in Warhammer Fantasy.

-Hardcover book

-Deck of 36 gameplay cards
-5 Player cards
-Victory tokens
So it looks like roughly something along the lines of the Storm of Magic book that opens up another playstyle for Fantasy.  It’s not something as ‘largescale and unstructured” as Apocalypse, but it is interesting to see Games Workshop turning one of their mainline games towards an “group activity” type of gameplay. 
It also makes me wonder if 40K will one day be getting formal rules for playing games with 3-5 players competing against each other, as opposed to Apocalypse which is really just a set of team rules. It would certainly go along with GW emphasis on the hobby-social side of things, instead of the hard-nosed tournament mentality.

WFB 9th Edition
Next up we have the latest set of rumors for Warhammer Fantasy 9th edition, from the same source that gave the community the last set a month ago.
via Faeit’s “Tim the Thief”

-Warhammer Fantasy 9th Edition & new Starterset next Year
-Starterset becomes “Expansion set” & Mailorder Only special Edition
-Orks & Goblins first 9th editon Armybook

Starter Set of the 9th Edition Warhammer with following content
-simplified Starter Rulebook

-“Armies of Warhammer”, simplified Armylists for all
-Orks and Goblins Army
–Ork Warboss
–New Goblinwarriors
–Ork Warriors

-Empire Army
–Captain of the Empire
–New Spearmen (new Design)
–New Musketeers (new Design)
–New Knights (new Design)


The Set becomes an Expansion with Magic as subject
-Small Booklet with Magic Rules
-Additional Models for Mages and two Regiments

So what we have here is a set of rumors that make sense as a set with last month’s, but still seem somewhat wide of what the earlier information was saying (see the full rumor roundup).  You will also note that there is good amount of oddly worded phrasing and disjointed text in there, so either it’s bunk, or perhaps its 3rd or 4th hand information that has been twisted in the voyage to us.  I’d give it a “possible” reliability rating.
~It’s interesting to see GW push so stringly with 2 months of WFB releases, right on the heels of  Space Marines.  What do you think is going on? Fantasy on the mend, or a Hail Mary to peak interest?

Author: Larry Vela
  • Outside the Box 10-11-13