Age of Sigmar: Ossiarch Bonereapers Battletome Overview

It’s a brand new Army with an entirely new Battletome – Come take a tour of the new Ossiarch Bonereapers Battletome!
Nagash has a new army under his command with the Ossiarch Bonereapers. They are ready to march on top the tabletop and claim their tithe.
The Relentless Dead
After spending some time with the Battletome there are a few themes that jump out at you pretty quickly. The Ossiarch Bonereapers are a tough and durable army. They are also deceptively quicker than you might think and have a unique form of Command Points called Relentless Discipline that makes them function slightly different from other armies but still allows them to get the same effects.
Relentless Discipline
On top of making your army immune to Battleshock Tests, this also creates a unique pool of points to spend to activate your Command Abilities. Katakros is going to generate a TON of points by himself so if you’re really looking to have a deep pool of those points, he’s a great place to start. Alternatively, you could load-up on Heroes and get quite a few points that way.
The thing to remember is that they refresh at the start of each battle round – so don’t bother playing conservative with them and spend them if you can during your turn. Spend them wisely, but DO spend them.
Another fun rule I picked up on was their Unstoppable Advance rule which allows you to spend a point to give Ossiarch Bonereapers an extra 3″ movement. I’m really liking the idea of a Kavalos Deathrider unit that can move 15″, run and charge in a single turn. And that’s not counting all the extra 1″ movements they get from the Necrophoros either.
As a Death Army, the Ossiarch Bonereapers also have a lot of ways to regen or repair units. They can also get some very sturdy armor saves across the board. If you take Nagash, you can even end up with a couple units that can end up with a 2+ re-rollable save (Nagash and the Immortis Guard). Now, for just Nagash and a minimum unit of guard you’re looking at spending 1080 points – and that without any battleline options…but hey, you’ve got 4 rock-hard models to kill!
I could keep going on and on about the rules but I’d rather mention another interesting factoid – this army doesn’t have any listed Allies. So you can’t really bring in other Death Factions like Nighthaunt or Flesh-Eater Courts. The only “allies” are Nagash, Arkhan the Black, and the Morghasts which all gain the Ossiarch Bonereaper Keywords and even have warscrolls in the book.
The Lore in the book also goes pretty deep into the history of the Ossiarch Bonereapers. According to the lore, this army has basically been hanging out underground in hidden lairs for a very, very long time. You know how Nagash like to play the long game.
Katakros also has quite a rich history revealed in the book. I won’t cover all that here (I go over a lot of it in the video) but he’s not from the Old World. He was trapped by Sigmar in the Stormvault that was around Lake Lethis and he was the “thing” that was freed by Lady Olyander in the Stormvault arc. Which kind of explains why Sigmar and Telics had words after that event went down.
The Ossiarch Bonereapers are coming out the gate with an awesome miniature range, a ton of background and a set of solid rules. I think GW has done a great job with this release and I’m curious to see how this plays out for the AoS meta in the coming months. I’m excited about this army and really want to get it on the tabletop!
The new Death Battletome is up for Pre-Order today from Games Workshop and should be in stores this weekend!