Necromunda: Subjugators – A Closer Look

The new Subjugator kit coming to Necromunda is packed with details. And grenades. Mostly grenades. Take a closer look!
The Subjugators are coming to town to help clean-up the mean streets. Or are they just a sanctioned Gang from the Underhive Government? That remains to be seen. Whatever the case, were taking a closer look at their impressive new sprues and focusing in on the details of this great kit. If you’re looking for a new not-a-gang to run in Necromunda or if you’re looking for amazing conversion opportunities for your Astra Militarum units, check these guys out.
The Sprue
The Subjugator Sprues is pretty densely packed and there are a TON of bits you can use to create a custom force of law enforcement officials. Or you could swipe these bits and make some awesome conversions! Whatever the case, it’s a great kit to build and work with. Lots of options and each has tons of details – what’s not to like?
So Many Grenades
The Subjugators are walking explosions. Well, it seems like they could be. You ever see the movie Hurt Locker? It’s kind of like that but instead of disarming the bombs, they are actually THE bomb. They wear grenades on their back – not so that THEY can reach them, but so their friends can. Plus they use Grenade Launchers. Nothing says “Public Servant” like launching explosives at hostiles, right?
They also have the option to wear grenades like a fancy necklace. personally, I think those are way to close to the face for me to wear. I’ve seen too many movies where the guy with the grenade belt gets all the pins pulled at once and goes boom in some unfortunate mutant-related accident. Not a fashion accessory for the faint of heart – or sound of mind.
Oh look Pouches from the Rob Liefeld school of art! Perfect. Just kidding. You THINK those are pouches, but those are actually just grenade holders. Fool me once…
Protect Ya Tings!
One of the notable features of the Subjugators is their really big shields. Thankfully, they planned ahead and have a viewing window to help keep their pesky perps in sight. Hey, if you can’t find cover, why not bring it with you!
The Subjugators also wear a LOT of flak armor. Probably because they know what happens when those grenades goes off. They are sure to cover all the important and life threatening areas. This guy has his priorities straight. He might get his head blown-off, but if can’t uh…”walk”, then what’s the point of living. We’re supposed to focus on his knee protection, right?
Specialized Gear
Sometimes you run out of Grenades. That’s why you need a really large and over compensating stub gun on your hip. Nothing says confidence like the cool and reassuring weight of a stub gun, right!?
Let’s say you’re out of Grenades and the perps are too close for you to pistol whip them effectively. What’s your next move? Beat them with a stick instead! These sticks just so happen to discharge a couple thousand volts when you bash them into things. Handy! Shock safely. Shock often.
And finally we have the solution to “how do you I open a door while holding my grenade launcher? The answer is the Subjugator’s very own SLHG Pattern Assault Ram! Knock-Knock? Who’s there? BOOM!
The Subjugators are coming to a Hive Slum near you.