Warhammer 40K: The 6 Things We Want From Saga of the Beast

We’ve got a list of things that aren’t named Ghazghkull that we are hoping to see in Saga of the Beast!
The stage is set for a battle between the Orks and the Space Wolves. We decided to list out some things we’d like to see from each army that didn’t include things like new models and/or updates to old ones. We already know a few new models are on the way, plus a possible new boxed set, too. That said – here’s some of the things we are hoping to see in the next chapter of Psychic Awakening: Saga of the Beast. And we’re splitting it between the Orks and Space Wolves!
Ork Hopes And Dreams
New Ork Kulture Options
We’re pretty sure we’re getting a “build your own Ork Clan Kulture” option similar to successor chapters. Everyone’s doing it, right? Orks need to get in on that. I just hope we get some interesting but not broken combos.
More Orky Psychic Powers
I’d like to see some new Orky Psychic Powers. Let’s give the Weird Boys a chance to shine. The event is called Psychic Awakening after-all. Can’t these scions of the WAAAGH!!! get some love?
Unit Improving Stratagems
You know how Space Marines got stratagems that made units veterans. It would be nice if the Orks got in on that action. Nothing crazy – just a little something extra. Like bonus attacks. Or bonuses to hit. These could even be unit specific kind of like how the Space Marines version was. Just an idea…
Space Wolves Go To War
More Great Company Rules
The Space Wolves have 13 Great Companies (if you count the Wulfen). It would be kind of nice to get rules for some of them. Or maybe we could get a set of chapter tactic-lite abilities…in like a chart or something. And we could pick two of them to represent one of the Great Companies? Yeah! That’s a great idea.
More Warlord Traits
With all those Great Companies, it would be extra cool if they each got their own Warlord Trait, too. Realistically, it wouldn’t be 13 – it would be 12. So that’s just double the regular number of Warlord Traits, right? Do it GW, Do IT!
Great Company Relics
GW already has lore for all the Great Companies – even if it’s just a short blurb. Let’s pair them up with Relics that are unique to the Great Company. Even if it’s just slightly better versions of weapons in the Space Wolf Arsenal, they are Space Marines so they have like a million options. And GW really just needs 12. Well, you could even take out Grimnar’s Company and Blackmane’s company. And I’m pretty sure there are a couple other Wolf Lords with unique options so you could subtract those from the list, too. At the end of the day, you’ll need a handful of slightly better than master-crafted weapons. Easy!
We’re just spitballing here – what would you want to see for the Orks and Space Wolves in Saga of the Beast?