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Women of Cosplay – LARP Pt 2

3 Minute Read
Mar 20 2020
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We are the Warrior Woman. The artists, the Adventurers, those who cannot be tamed. Our battle cry is fierce, our armor is strong, and we are here to take over the world.

Sonja’s Adventures

LARP isn’t just for the boys with toys. Oh no. There is an incredible, diverse, powerful assortment of women out there rocking some incredible builds, attending events all over the world and striking fear into the hearts of their enemies. One amazing LARPer, Sonja’s Adventures, has given the call to arms and is documenting their stories. Her page is chock full of cosplayers, LARPers, and the multitude of events they appear at. This week we take the first peek into their world.


LARPer: Phoenix ex Machina
Photo by Nuclear Snail Studios

LARPer: Lou Kamps
LARP: Conquest by Live Adventure
Photo by Marc Wehrmann


LARPer: Kathi Enpunkt
LARP group: Die Legio Vulpes

One girl. One stupid idea. 90 videos.

“Hi, I´m Sonja and I am turning my life around.” Sounds like a cool slogan, huh? Well that´s exactly what I did: crushing procrastination and living a wild, adventurous life.
Traveling through the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, doing Live Action Roleplay, starting my own business: The world is my oyster and I would love to take you with me.
This is the story of how it all started…


LARPer: Lenora Gewandungen
Photo by eosAndy
LARPer: Oriana Naomi
LARP: Conquest by Live Adventure
Photo by Wintergrafie – by Marco Winter

LARPer: Noreia of the Bracar Keltoi
LARP: Conquest by Live Adventure
Photo by Wintergrafie – by Marco Winter

~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
  • #28DaysOfBlackCosplay