40K: A Dirty Dozen Imperial Guard Observations

Hi all, Jwolf here – Lets talk Imperial Guard. I’ve had some time to play with the new 6e book and make some tweaks to my old IG lists.
I do warn you straight away that I don’t play the most common styles of IG lists and I am not even vaguely interested in telling you what the “best” list to make is; player style and local conditions make that sort of pronouncement absurd. I do have some notes on what I am seeing on the tabletop and the effectiveness of some of my changes.
1) Chimera Riders of the Storm
True, the old steel wall of Chimelta Vets driving towards the enemy is definitely gone. Enter the new Chimera role as mobile fire platform. Chimeras that are more survivable against shooting and that can move 12” and have the guys inside (even heavy weapons!) are great for pushing the edges – consider loading up some HWTs in one of their buddies’ Chimeras and rolling them out on the flanks – they are just as good against Flyers when moving 12” anyway, and they can stabilize and pour in flanking and rear fire in later turns (or stay still on turn 1, load up and zoom off on turn 2, whatever suits the needs of the mission). Don’t get me started on moving, shooting with the contents, and then moving the Chimera again – if that is “as designed” then I question if too much beer and not enough pretzels were involved in the process.
2) CC Blobs Weapons
Before, Flamers we’re that useful because you either never got to shoot them or only got to shoot them when you probably would have charged anyway. Now 3 or 4 Flamers can greatly improve the unit’s anti-charge defense performance. I’ve been using sarges with Axes, which is working out great, but I am also looking at a sarge or two with only a ccw and some sarges with Axe/Maul combinations – their pistols never do anything any, and having the ability to be s5 means they are much better against Xenos and vehicles. Important Note: If you are allying and putting a Space Marine in your blobs (which is a very strong choice), make sure to NOT have a Commissar in there. Executing a Rune Priest is funny once, but learn from my mistakes, okay?
3) Leman Russ Squadrons
Ordnance got a lot better in 6e. Get more of it out there. I prefer a pair of Demolishers, because S10 is awesome, but I can see a place for a mixed unit or a unit of good old Battle Tanks.
4) Penal Legions
In 5e these guys were a boutique choice, at best. Now they’re very fun for grabbing that Linebreaker point and still can go for objectives. Sure, they are still your worst Troops choice, but they now have some possible use outside of fluffiness. Also note that the 6e rulebook does a lot to justify abhuman and nonhuman species in the game – I’m working on some Mantic Veer-myn to join my Tallarn in this role. Note: I am not calling them super competitive or anything of the sort. I just see them as a unit that has a viable role in 6e (and they aren’t even the most efficient unit for the role) and I’m having fun using them.
5) Mortars
Mortars of all shapes and sizes are super fun and evil in 6e. And the HWT is scoring, cheap, and low enough target priority that it can make special weapons and sarges take saves all game.
6) Master of Ordnance
The Basilisk in a Tee Shirt is back in full glory for 6e. With Bring It Down, you just target him at a vehicle and let it rip – odds are good he’ll hit SOMETHING with 2 tries.
7) Bodyguards
Bodyguards are terrible in 6e, having lost their ability to get killed twice and with not being characters, it’s hard to figure out what use they are besides wounds.
8) Manticore
I used a Manticore in 5e when they were less than half as good as they are in 6e. Mine has been underperforming for me, but it is so terrifying that enemies will do crazy things to try and deal with it.
9) Hydra
So what if you have to snap fire at ground targets? It murders flyers and speeders, and if all it has are snap fire choices, then move it fast and go for rear shots. I am glad the days of 6 or 9 Hydras are gone, but single Hydras have a purpose and use, and I’m having a lot of fun with mine.
10) Aegis Defense Lines
These are made for your Imperial Guard. I use one with a Quad Gun, and I couldn’t be happier with it. It provides protection for tanks and HWTs, and makes charging your guys a great deal more risky. And my Lord Commissar LOVES his Quad Gun.
11) Allies
Never have “advisors” been more useful than Space Marines in an IG list. Space Wolves do it best, and 400-500 points of them can add versatility and efficacy to your IG list. I like a Hunter Saga Battle Leader (or Wolf Priest) and a Rune Priest, but that doesn’t mean they are the right choices. I advise checking out some other choices and seeing what works for you.
12) Valkyrie / Vendetta
In 5e Valkyries were better than Vendettas for me, because Vendettas were so uniformly easy to knock out of the sky. Vendettas are now a lot more survivable and excellent anti-air choices, which would seem to make them the obviously better choice. But the changes to cover saves make the Valkyrie blasts much more effective against hordes, and just like in 5e, the key to killing any army is giving them the chance to die. I’m sticking with a Valkyrie for now, since my Aegis line and Hydra are doing yeoman work in getting rid of enemy flyers, but time will tell.
Well, there are a dozen observations I’ve had on the Imperial Guard in 6e and how the game is changing for me. What are you people seeing / experimenting with? Is anyone taking a 10 Ogryn unit with an attached Terminator Wolf Priest?