The BoLS video battle reports continue – Leading up to 6th Edition we have more time-shifting battle reports you’re just dying to see. Today we bring you a delicious treat: Adamharry’s Swarmlord led 5th edition Tyranids find themselves facing down Lux’s long hibernating 4th Edition Tyranid splinter fleet. Can the newly evolved Trygons hold off the without-number Gaunts and nasty 4th Edition dakkafexes?
~Comments are welcome guys! You can expect many more battle reports and videos featuring all aspects of the hobby from your favorite writers, and more. Get on in there and let us know what you liked, wanted to see me improve, and of course Monday-morning quarterbacking is always great fun after a battle report.
Dad, Gamer, Publisher, Pilot, Texan. All games all the time since junior-high.
I started BoLS Interactive in 2006. I’m a lifelong tabletop & RPG gaming enthusiast, and internet publisher working to entertain and inform my readers every day.
I've been playing RPGs and Tabletop Games since the 1970s. I'm been playing and covering Warhammer and Warhammer 40K for over 35 years.