Warhammer 40K: More Info On Command Points & Detachments

Games Workshop went into a bit more detail on Command Points and the reasons behind the changes in the Warhammer 40,000 Daily.
If you haven’t been watching the Warhammer 40,000 Daily from Games Workshop on Twitch, you might want to start setting a reminder to check it out. Wade Pryce and Stu Black from GW are going over some of the details in from the next edition and explaining what you can expect soon enough. Today, they covered some of the Command Point changes and how 40k’s Detachments will work as well.
The specific info kicks in around the 10 minute mark.
One of the key things they wanted to get away from was players taking models or units they didn’t really want to take but felt like they needed to “earn” some Command Points. The new system removes the need to take “CP Tax Units” and allows players to take the things they want.
Command Points can also be spend to “unlock” other Detachments. Now, we still don’t have a specific cost laid out for those yet, but we do know the size of the game will also determine the number of Detachments you can take. More Detachments typically means you’re going to be a bit more tactically flexible as you’ll be able to pull in additional units or units from different factions/sub-factions but you’ll start with fewer Command Points.
You won’t need to take the Loyal 32 just so you can use them as a CP battery now – you’ll have them on the battlefield to actually DO something and that is a big change.
Also, it was alluded to that “sending units to outflank” would also have a Command Point cost.
Command Points were already a resource players in 8th edition have learned to manage and spend on Stratagems. Now, they will be using those in other ways as well. It’s going to be interesting to see all the things that will cost Command Points and also how those expenditures will interact with abilities that allow you roll to get them back.
There’s more details in the video so give it a watch and digest some of those CP and Detachment changes coming soon!