Pathfinder 2 In Humble Bundle Dedicated To Diversity

Following a pledge to raise funds in support of racial justice and equality, Paizo has bundled most of Pathfinder 2nd Edition in the latest Humble Buundle.
Last month, Paizo followed in the wake of many companies, Wizards of the Coast included, in making their own statement affirming their commitment to racial justice and diversity. Not long after, they issued a statement apologizing for the untimely release of an adventure path that dealt with insensitive material–especially considering the month we’ve had which has seen countries around the world rise up in protest against police brutality and racial inequality.
The product in question was Agents of Edgewatch, a guard-themed adventure path that many in the community found distasteful in the wake of the deaths of George Floyd and too many others at the hands of police in America. And though Paizo is continuing to release their adventure path, stating that they “can’t afford not to” in their apology they committed to continuing to advocate for racial justice, including an upcoming fundraising effort. We’re seeing the first of those promises come to light today, with the launch of a new Humble Bundle that incorporates most of 2nd Edition Pathfinder for a steal.
Just five dollars will get you the core rulebook (pdf), a character pack, a few pdf battlemaps, and six different adventures. As you donate 10 or 20 dollars, you’ll unlock many other titles, including the Lost Omens World Guide, the Bestiary, and the Lost Omens Character Guide. Basically everything you need to play Pathfinder 2 to the hilt, right now, for a fraction of the cost of the main book. And if you donate $30, you’ll receive a physical copy of the core rulebook.
Better still, a portion of every bundle goes towards supporting three nonprofit organizations dedicated to supporting people of color:
The Carl Brandon Society seeks to expand racial and ethnic diversity in fiction. “We envision a world in which speculative fiction, about complex and diverse cultures from writers of all backgrounds, is used to understand the present and model possible futures; and where people of color are full citizens in the community of imagination and progress.”
Advertisement“The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. is America’s premier legal organization in the fight for racial justice. Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks to achieve racial justice by enacting structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans. LDF also defends the gains and protections won over the past 75 years of civil rights struggle and works to improve the quality and diversity of judicial and executive appointments.”
The National Urban League’s mission is “To help African-Americans and others in underserved communities achieve their highest true social parity, economic self- reliance, power, and civil rights. The League promotes economic empowerment through education and job training, housing and community development, workforce development, entrepreneurship, health, and quality of life.”
And as Paizo has said, this is just the beginning. But it’s a first step that puts their money where their mouth is. This is the kind of action that the community is looking out for–it signals where their priorities are. The organizations they are donating to help promote people of color in several fields, including expanding our fictional worlds. At a time when companies are making missteps, this is a strong example to set.
It cannot be the only step they take, but this one has the potential to make an immediate impact. And it gets people looking to try Pathfinder playing their game. You can find the bundle linked below.
Pick up the 2nd Edition Humble Bundle today
Happy Adventuring