Frostgrave Second Edition Pre-Orders are Now Open – Free Mini & Awesome Bundles

Frostgrave Second Edition
For those that don’t know, Wizards battle for supremacy and artifacts in Frostgrave. The action takes place in the frozen ruins of an ancient city. There, a Wizard and Apprentice takes on a warband of up to 8 others against their opponents (and the random monsters on a gaming board) to collect treasure off of the tabletop. The game is a ton of fun and I had a blast with first edition.Frostgrave Pre-Orders
Now to the meat of this article. Frostgrave Second Edition releases on August 20th. Now, where can you get this book as a pre-order? Well, the best places include North Star Military Figures, Osprey Games, Brigad Games USA, and Badger Games. The best being North Star Military Figures because you can get a free mini. If you buy from North Star Military Figures, they will give you a free miniature of a Thaumaturge Apprentice along with the purchase of any of their Frostgrave Second Edition Pre-Orders on the books. You buy the book from them, you get the miniature.
You buy this bundle with all these books, and you get the free miniature. You also get the Ulterior Motives box set of card and this is on top of a sizable discount for the books.

Check out this plastic warband deal. You get one frame of the new Knights Miniatures, one frame of plastic Wizards, and one frame of soldier figures. You can substitute the Wizards frame for the Female Wizards sprue if you want and you can substitute the soldiers’ frame for sprues from other Frostgrave Kits.

Want all of the plastic Fostgrave miniatures boxes to date? Then this deal is for you! Personally, I would love to get my hands on all of these models. I own 3 of the 8 boxes above.
- Osprey Games is also running pre-orders now. I find the North Star Military Figures pre-sales options much more interesting, but Osprey Publishing is a great company and I certainly won’t discourage anyone from supporting the company directly. You could also purchase some of Osprey’s many other books while you are there.
- Brigad Games is North Star Military Figures North American partner. If you want order deals similar to what North Star runs (but in the USA), this is where to go. They have the same deal where you get the Apprentice miniature for free if you buy the second edition rule book. You can find this on their Frostgrave 2 pre-order page along with the plastic Frostgrave Knights.
- Badger Games also sells Frostgrave Products in America be sure to check them out if you are looking for a supplier in the USA.
Wrapping it up…
Hopefully, you enjoyed this quick article about Frostgrave Pre-Orders. I am a huge fan of the Frostgrave game system and am really looking forward to the new edition. I can’t wait to see what is in there. If you are in a similar boat, you can pre-order the game too. Places I would direct you to do so include North Star Military Figures, Osprey Games, Brigade Games Miniatures, Badger Games, and Amazon. If you want more Frostgrave content, there is plenty more available. I also recently wrote a fun article speculating on what Frostgrave in Space might be like with Stargrave. Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!Read more about great Indie and Historical games on my site!
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