Next Week’s Warhammer 40K & AoS Products & Pricing CONFIRMED – Sons of Behemat Stomp In!
2 Minute Read
Oct 5 2020

We are back with GW’s latest 40K & Age of Sigmar weekly releases, headed your way this weekend. Hello Sons of Behemat!
This week we return to the Mortal Realms with the Sons of Behemat stomping into the game, and more Space Marine & Necron minis.
Pre-order date on all these items is Saturday, October 10th. Street date is October 17th.
White Dwarf 457 $9
Warhammer 40K
Necron Warriors $45
Necron Skorpekh Destroyers $55
Necron Hexmark Destroyer $35
Age of Sigmar
Battletome: Sons of Behemat $40
Battletome: Mega-Gargant $195
Battletome: Mancrusher Gargants $125
Warscroll Cards Sons of Behemat $15
Kharadron Endrinmaster in Dirigible Suit $35
Magister on Disk of Tzeentch $35
Black Library
Sons of Behemat (audiobook) $15.50
Lion El’Jonson: Lord of the First (hardback) $19
~What are you picking up?

Author: Larry Vela