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This ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Zuko Cosplay is on Fire

3 Minute Read
Feb 21 2024

There’s a fabulous new heir to the throne of cosplay glory, and we’re HERE for this Fire Lord Zuko cosplay.

If you’ve been living under a rock recently and have no idea who the Try Guys are… Stop everything you’re doing and head over to their YouTube channel. Their content includes a wide swath of ridiculous concepts. The Try Guys push boundaries and have a ton of fun breaking through perceptions. Not only do they try a ton of products and services, they also try cosplay!

We’ve finally arrived at what everyone is waiting for. The new Avatar: The Last Airbender show drops on Thursday! We’re breathless with anticipation of this new imagining of everyone’s favorite cartoon. The Try Guy’s Eugene is known as a master of the flamboyant.

He’s a veritable rockstar who can wear the highest heels, strike the fiercest pose, and dance with the best of K-Pop Stars. We love a great diva with an eye for drama. Just like his Zuko cosplay, Eugene has cemented himself as a figure who is here to make a STATEMENT.


A few years ago, Eugene took to Twitter to help solve the perpetual question- what to be for Halloween. It’s hard to choose how to be EXTRA extra for Halloween when you’re a celebrity. There are so many opportunities to get dressed up. What better way to solve the creativity dilemma than to crowd-source a costume?

That’s right, folks. Eugene left his fate in the hands of the Internet, and I am here to say- it did NOT disappoint. Enjoy the firey results of his #Halloween2020 costume poll.

Zuko Cosplay by Eugene Lee Yang

Zuko cosplay by Eugene Lee Yang
“My name is Zuko. Son of Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai, Prince of the Fire Nation, and Heir to the Throne.”

Zuko cosplay by Eugene Lee Yang
“You rise with the moon. I rise with the sun.”

Zuko cosplay by Eugene Lee Yang
“…their honor didn’t hinge on the Avatar’s capture. Mine does.”

Zuko cosplay by Eugene Lee Yang
“You’ve always thrown everything you could at me! Well, I can take it. And now, I can give it back!”

~Join us next week for more cosplay coverage~

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
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