40K Open Thread: The Best Starter Army - Bell of Lost Souls
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40K Open Thread: The Best Starter Army

2 Minute Read
Oct 11 2010
Warhammer 40K

Today I want to open a conversation on bringing new people into the hobby, and that means helping them get their first army up and running.  Lets go.

Now I know everyone says “Space Marines” but hear me out.  When a new player says they are interested in 40k, I quickly try to break down their interest level across the following categories:

Personality: Outgoing gregarious types are ofter better served by more complex armies where they can really jump into the community and share their experiences and seek aid (Eldar for example).  The more introverted types may want to be steered into armies that are a little on the “fire and forget” side of things (we all know who falls into this category).

Playstyle: This one is easy.  Just ask them what excites them on the tabletop.  Some folks really like zooming all over a game table, while others want to hunker down and blaze away.  Neither is wrong, but it can give you clues. Nobody who loves screaming forward at 1000mph into combat will like a Tau army.

Aesthetics vs Rules:  You can see this one coming a mile away.  There are the “whats the best, let me see the rules” folks and there are the “Ohh, so pretty” types.  Its a very easy one to ascertain and will have a profound influence on where to point the newcomer.  The rules guys will gravitate to the “top tier” armies and the aesthetes will follow their muse.

~So that’s how I break down the new comers.  What’s your process for bringing up the next generation of 40k players.  What armies do you recommend to them (especially non Space Marines and why) and how to get them through those critical first couple of games? Have at it guys.

Author: Larry Vela
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    Warhammer 40K