We’ve got Dave Taylor’s Back
Hi guys,
Today I want to highlight an amazing thing being done by my good friend Dave Taylor. Now Dave is one of the pillars of the gaming community with a painting and hobby CV reaching back into the days of yore. We are always thankful for whatever scraps he throws over to BoLS now and then from his painting table.
Today however Dave is on a mission of mercy. Recently two of his good friends came upon some tragic life-changing events. Please go read about them here on Dave’s blog. I can tell you that as a married father of two its just a heartbreaking read.
So Dave decided to roll up his sleeves, and start a fundraiser, with his glorious Adeptus Custodes army up on eBay right now. We would ask the readers out there to dig deep and do what you can. Even if you don’t have the funds to go for the army itself, direct paypal donations (the Paypal emails are at Dave’s blog) in almost any amount will be Godsends going directly to those two people in need, and if you know any wealthy gamers out there, make sure to pass the story of the auction on.
Let’s stand together as gamers on this one and protect our own. Its not often that life gives us direct opportunities to help those in desperate need. Today is one of those times.