Monsterpocalypse: Final Wave of Zerkalo Bloc Have Arrived

We’re taking a look at last Zerkalo Block Monster and Unit Pack recently unleashed into the game. Let’s see what Zavod 075 and these units can do!
Zavod 075
This giant tank of a monster comes in a mix of resin and metal. The upper and lower body parts are resin, while the arms and various guns and smokestacks are all metal.
Alpha Form
Zavod 075 is a rolling factory of destruction, able to turn the debris and mayhem of battle into more units. Rules wise this is represented with Action: Summon, Demolisher, Wrecking Crew and Manufacture. With both Summon and Manufacture you can get out 2 extra units a turn! Not only is this great because more units equals more city control, but it also provides Zavod with some excellent screening abilities. Zavod isn’t boasting any amazing stats and comes with the standard 11 health and 8 defense. Only 5 speed makes this monster a little slow…but that’s fitting for a rolling factory.
Hyper Form
Hyper form sees Zavod lose the Action: Summon ability, in favor of Action: Salvage, which lets you turn debris directly into 2 Power dice. While Summon is incredibly powerful all game – it tends to be at it’s strongest early game, so swapping it for a late-game ability to get Power dice is a great way for Zavod to close out a game. Suplex also appears in Hyper form and lets Zavod move a space before body-slamming an enemy monster. This ability is very thematic and powerful. It may not seem like much at first, but this will give your opponent a headache as they try and position themselves in spots where you can’t get a great body slam off on them. If they aren’t careful you’ll be suplexing them into 2 different buildings for some serious damage.
Range 6, Speed 4 with 2 blue dice and Indirect Fire, this unit means business! The Artillery Barrage rule also encourages you to combine attack with them, because you’ll get an Action dice back anyways. These missiles should have no problem taking out even the sturdiest of units, so what’s the catch? That would be Expend…once you fire that missile it’s back to the reserve pool. This means no securing buildings, power spots, screening monsters or soft disrupting enemy buildings by standing next to them. Don’t be fooled though, for cost 1 you’re definitely getting your value as being able to casually destroy an enemy’s power base from downtown is incredibly powerful and will be a constant source of annoyance for your opponent all game. I definitely think taking a few of these in your list is a good idea.
Vorota Walkers
These stargate-esque units offer no attacks, but instead comes with some nice supporting rules. Action: Reinforce will give you a cheap spawn, always nice for getting out those elite units. Beachhead will allow you to spawn 1 model next to this unit, once per turn, if this unit is on a Power Zone, Negative Zone, or Spawn Point. This may not seem like much, but it’s a little efficiency bonus that will come up a lot over the course of the game. Even on turn one after using all your spawn points you’re forced to ‘push-spawn’ and pay an extra dice to move a model out of the way of the spawn point. Now you can spawn one more model next to the Vorota Walker instead.
Wrap Up
This wraps up all of the Zerkalo Bloc releases in this wave. If you missed the other releases check them out here(Voyaka Review) and here(Unit Review). Overall I’ve been impressed with this faction, bringing some great additions to the Destroyers lineup. I think we’re likely to see a lot of the Zerkalo Bloc units becomes a staple in Destroyers lists.
What do you like most from this faction, the Monsters or Units?