Warhammer 40K: Eighteen Ebooks, One Humble Bundle

Get your hands on some of the biggest and best stories in the worlds of Warhammer all for one easy price, with the latest from Humble Bundle.
The Black Library opens its doors once more–and for a library that’s supposedly chock full of the most insidious and dangerous knowledge in the Galaxy, it sure does have a pretty open policy. At any rate, you can get yourself a collection of some of the best and most recent tales in the Warhammer series, now on eBooks as part of the Multilanguage Tales of Warhammer 2021.
Clunky name, sure, but as the bundle implies, each of these books is available in multiple languages, so you can download your favorite story in English, French, and/or German. You don’t even have to pick, the bundle comes with all three languages. Let’s take a look at the Humble Bundle.
via Humble Bundle/Warhammer Community
Multilanguage Tales of Warhammer 2021 – $1-18
Humble eBook Bundle: Multi-Language Tales of Warhammer 2021 by Black Library