Monsterpocalypse: Masters Of The 8th Dimension Have Arrived

They’ve mastered the 8th Dimension and now they’ve come for Earth! Let’s take a look at the newest Destroyers faction coming to a tabletop city near you.
The Preceptor
This monster is a mix of metal and resin, with the arms and one leg being metal and everything else resin. Lots of fantastic detailed lines all over this model.
Alpha Form
The Preceptor embodies the idea of reality warping, allowing itself and faction units the ability to manipulate various aspects of the board. Action: Tactical Shift changes the position of a unit during a monster turn. Think you know how many power dice you have? Think again, Devitalize and Power Drain have the potential to remove your power dice on a monster or unit turn. Lastly Kinetic Distortions will grant high mobility to Faction units anywhere on the board, always helpful for positioning units in their optimal spots.
Hyper Form
In Hyper Form The Preceptor changes nearly every rule on the card into an even stronger focus on Power dice stealing and manipulation. Censure is just a straight up passive removing of Power dice from the opponent and Rapid Fire will let you get off two Siphons in a turn. These are some pretty major power dice swings, as losing 3 Power dice in a turn can severely hamper your opponent’s plans. I’m excited to see The Preceptor along with a Corporate Headquarters for maximum power deal stealing.
Lastly, you can’t forget about Action: Fission, which will let you keep chaining monster turns back to back. Between Fission and stealing Power dice from your opponents there is a ton of potential for some serious back to back to back high-quality Monster turns!
Voiders & Facilitators Unit Pack
Assembly doesn’t get much easier than this. These single piece models are all metal and just need to be glued to the base.
You’ll get one Facilitator in this unit pack, but I can see easily wanting one more of this useful unit. Action: Transport will allow you to bring in a Faction unit with Cargo(we’ll cover the Voiders next). Radar is an incredible ability, for just bringing a Cost 1 model you can get a nice +1 RNG on all nearby blast attacks. Incredible value. Keep in mind this works on any allied model, unit or monster! On top of all that the Facilitator itself is SPD 6 and has a RNG 3 Blast attack.
Voiders are the peanut butter to the Facilitator’s jelly. Not only are they Cargo so the Facilitator can drop them off with the Transport rule, they have a RNG 5 blast attack that gets bumped up to 6 thanks to the Facilitators Radar rule! Add in a Communications Array and these bad boys are shooting things 7 spaces away. Nullify is really interesting, allowing you to forgo a Power dice in favor of stealing one from the enemy. I really like this option, especially when you start combining it with The Preceptors abilities from earlier.
Wrap Up
If you like the idea of constantly manipulating dice pools throughout the game, Masters of the 8th Dimension is the faction for you. This initial release wave is looking very strong and bringing and style of dice manipulation gameplay we haven’t quite seen at this level before. I’m excited to see this faction in action. What do you think of the Masters Of The 8th Dimension?