Monsterpocalypse: The Destroyers Are in For a Change

Eratta is coming to Monsterpocalypse – check out how the dynamic updates will change things for Destroyers.
Faye Reppas explains some of the changes coming to Destroyers with the first-ever Monsterpocalpyse dynamic update – you can read more about that here. Ten of the Destroyers models are getting updates, six units (two elites) and four monsters including this big bad from Lords of Cthul.
Yasheth only gained one new ability (in hyper); however, its abilities got pushed around all over the place. Arcane Void replaces Side Step in its alpha form. It also personally gains Siphon in alpha. And finally, its brawl attack got 1 extra Boost Die in alpha, making for one heck of a brawl attack. It is the most accurate alpha brawl in the game, not to mention that it steals both a Health and Power Die from your opponent.
I suspect you thought since it got Arcane Void in alpha, it would lose it in hyper, didn’t you? Definitely not the case. Yasheth also has Side Step in hyper, where it had the better defensive stat anyway, so that just made sense. Its brawl in alpha gained a Boost Die, so in both alpha and hyper it is the most accurate brawl attack in the game.
Finally, we added an interesting new rule, Drag. Drag lets you reposition a monster that Yasheth hits with a brawl attack. And Drag is an extremely powerful and unique ability; it can be used to pull enemy monsters out of a screen to set up a power attack. If you are really crafty, you can even Drag a monster twice in one turn using Lightning Attack. This will be extremely costly, both in Power Dice and Action Dice (as you’ll have to step at least a few times in between your attacks). It does permit you to move an enemy monster most of the way across the map, however, if you are willing to pay the price. Yasheth is a brawler through and through—instead of hitting hard, it uses those brawls to create advantageous situations throughout the entire game.
Check out the rest of the changes on the Privateer Press blog!