The Bestiary of Stargrave – Mindgrippers, Tanglers, & Robots Oh My

Check out what you might come up against in Stargrave’s random encounters.
To start, you will need a crew, but I went over that a couple of weeks ago. Today, I am going to outline some of the creatures that you will meet in the game’s random encounters.
That’s right, Stargrave has random encounters like many Role Playing Games (like Dungeons and Dragons). I used to play RPGs, but I always wanted to make them more Roll Playing Games, hence my shift over to miniatures games. Anyhow, let’s take a quick look at some of the miniatures that you might want in your Stargrave collection for random encounters. There are two tables – one is for in urban environments, while the other is for everywhere else.
Unwanted Attention
When you play in an urban environment, you can attract the attention of Ruffians, Pirates, and Bounty Hunters. The big threat here is pirates. The basic trooper is armed with a rifle, heavy armour, and a knife. The Pirate Shock Trooper comes in full power armour with a rifle and they are the elite of the troops. It will be hard for your crew to match the shock trooper toe-to-toe, so you might want to concentrate your fire or run.
Random Encounters
As for random encounters in other environments, there are a plethora of creatures to meet. Some of my favorites include…
- Primitives (Stone-age humans and aliens).
- Tanglers (Alien Octopus-like creatures).
- Mindgripper (small aliens that possess your body should they grab a hold of you).
- and various robots.
Speaking of Robots, below is a sample entry from the rulebook for a Sentrabot. Very cool!

A sample page from Stargrave describing the Sentrabot. Image from the Osprey Games Blog.
There is also a Warbot that makes the Sentrabot look like a toy and many other creatures too. For those who want more, I have a more comprehensive article for you to check out as well.
Wrapping it up…
These entries just scratch the surface. There are a good number of random creatures and figures for your crew to encounter in Stargrave. If you don’t have the minis outlined for the random encounters in the book, that is okay. Proxy in what you have, or omit entries from your random encounter chart.
Make sure to check out the Nickstarter campaign (which is a pre-sales program by North Star Military Figures) while you still can for some deals.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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