Warhammer 40K: New Sisters of Battle Celestian Sacresants Revealed

The Adepta Sororitas are getting a new type of Sister of Battle. Meet the Celestian Sacresants!
Games Workshop is back with a new Battle Sister Bulletin and they have revealed an upcoming new miniature for the Adepta Sororitas. The Celestian Sacresants are a new, elite member of the Orders Militant. These Sisters act as bodyguards and are equipped with some new weapons from the arsenal. Take a look at a preview model
“As a Celestian, each Sacresant is a highly skilled warrior, able to overcome many times her own number in battle. Sacresants wield a variety of blessed polearms and maces with which to smite the unclean, and bear large, ornate shields to ward off the blows of their enemies. Protected in both body and spirit, Celestian Sacresants are the wall against which waves of heretics will break.”
This new unit is going to be a great close-combat addition to the roster. They are looking to have some extra staying power and can help you take and hold ground. From the description and from looking at the model we can see there will be some new Polearms and Maces coming. Plus, looking closer at the shield, you can see the barrel of a bolter sticking out – so they are going to be able to provide some extra ranged firepower, too. Looks like they’ll be marching forward behind a shieldwall with some bolter fire and blades to support whatever mission action they need to do!
Palatine Points Update
Games Workshop made a slight error when the Palatine came out – they forgot to include a points cost so you could bring the Sister to the tabletop. Oops. Well, they have published those points for you now:
“Those of you who picked up the Piety and Pain boxed set may have noticed that the points and Power Rating for the Palatine were not in the rulebook you got. They are set to appear in a future publication, but until then we thought you might like to unleash this new Adepta Sororitas commander in your games of Warhammer 40,000.”
So there you go! Clocking in at 3 power level or 45 points (50 if you upgrade to a plasma pistol) she’s a worthy addition to your army lists. Also…what future publication are we waiting for GW? Hmm…Anyone want to take a guess?
New Sisters on the way…What do you think of the new unit?