Marvel Cosplay: X-Men’s Mystique’s Explosive Transformation

The Queen of the chameleonic metamorphosis has always been a powerhouse in the Marvel Universe. Today we celebrate a powerhouse cosplayer with just as much panache for metamorphosis in this Mystique Cosplay!
There are no characters in the Marvel Universe with more dynamic range and mystery. None as adept at hiding in plain sight and flouting expectations. Mystique is a powerhouse character, transforming from villain to anti-hero to hero as the whims strike her. Today we take a look at the most riveting Mystique Cosplay!
It takes an equally dynamic cosplayer to embody such a unique and recognizable character. Alyson Tabbitha is a world-renowned makeup artist and cosplayer with the most captivating ability to transform her features into a carbon copy of any character. Whether male or female, human or elf or video game character, there is NO project too hard or different for her to tackle.
Though there are a variety of talented artists and crafters in the world capable of portraying a wide range of characters, it is rare that viewers need to take a second glance (or a third or fourth!) to realize that it’s not the original actor or character in the image. Alyson Tabbitha has that talent, and more. Check out her extraordinary Mystique Cosplay!
Alyson Tabbitha
Alyson Tabbitha Social Media Links
“Rogue, the next time you decide to torch a major center of commerce……warn me, so I can bring marshmallows.”
“… Raven Darkholme is not a woman to be trifled with.”
“I haven’t beaten a man with his own leg since Carter was in office…but I still remember how.”
“Don’t flatter yourself. I may loathe you, but you don’t even make the top twenty. Besides, I’m more than used to working for arrogant men lately, so whoop-dee-doo.”
“These X-Men, they’re going to be chasing each other’s tails so fast on this that they won’t be able to see anything else. We’ll be free to see our plans all the way to the finish line. The esteemed Dr. Henry McCoy dropped a bomb on the mutant race. I just lit the fuse. Screw them all.”
“Whatever. But if you’re coming, come heavy. I’m done playing good guy.”
Alyson Tabbitha Social Media
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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