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‘Star Wars: Clash of Lightsabers’ Plays Like the Most Fateful Duel in the Galaxy

3 Minute Read
Jun 2 2022

Star Wars is hitting new highs, which got me thinking about the best part of the Prequels. It wasn’t podracing, it was the clash of lightsabers.

While rewatching the series again, I thought to myself, with the mountains of merchandise which followed Phantom Menace, there must be a game strictly devoted to the iconic Duel of Fates showdown. Enter Star Wars: Episode 1 – Clash of the Lightsabers.

Star Wars: Clash of the Lightsabers Overview

Star Wars: Episode 1 – Clash of the Lightsabers is a War-style card game with hand management and press your luck mechanics. It was released in 1999 by Milton Bradley. The goal of both players is to be the first to win 5 lightsaber battles. Battles are won in War-style, combat strength comparison.

Star Wars Clash of the Lightsabers Cards
All images via Board Game Geek

Players take the role of either Darth Maul or Qui-Gon Jin.

Star Wars Clash of the Lightsabers Cards Minis

Each round, both players draw 7 cards to begin the battle.

Star Wars Clash of the Lightsabers Cards

Every round makes up 3 separate battles. Before each round, both players secretly place 1 card face down to each of the 3 battles.

Star Wars Clash of the Lightsabers Cards Game

But what makes Star Wars: Episode 1 – Clash of the Lightsabers more than just War is the way the 3 battles work within each round. Players draw before the round and won’t draw again until the next round starts. This means players will have to know when to concede one battle in order to save cards for the other 2, in the hopes of winning the majority.

Qui-Gon is losing this first battle. He’s got to decide if he wants to play additional cards to attempt a victory or save those cards for the other 2 battles.

To earn points, players must win a majority of the 3 battles. Winning 2-1 earns 1 point, winning 3-0 earns 2 points. First to 5 points wins!


For a game with such a simple appearance, there’s a surprising amount of strategy here. Knowing when to push for a victory versus conceding to have a better footing later. If you’re looking for a quick-playing card game with a good amount of gameplay (and some pretty sweet pewter miniatures), check out Star Wars: Episode 1 – Clash of the Lightsabers.


Plus any excuse to play Duel of the Fates on blast.

Author: Matt Sall
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