Warhammer 40K: GW Teases New Black Templar Codex Cover With New Sword Brethren

Now that is an interesting cover for the new Black Templar’s Codex. Looks like some new Primaris units are heading our way.
It looks like GW took our advice. Or at least drew some of the same logical conclusions about the addition of Primaris Marines to the Black Templar’s roster that we did. Regardless, we’ve got a look at the new cover of the upcoming Codex Supplement for the Black Templars and it’s looking might interesting.
“So to whet your appetite, here’s the spectacular cover art for the upcoming Codex Supplement: Black Templars. Chain your bolter to your wrist and put your crusading pants on, we’re going smiting.”
Want a better look at the art from the cover? Of course you do!
Take a moment and let that one soak in. Notice anything…different? Perhaps some new armor upgrades? Assault Bolter Rifles? A fanatical looking gentleman with a red shoulder pad?
“True heirs of Sigismund may notice that the gentleman in the middle has distinctly black-and-red shoulder pads, which mark him out as one of the elite Sword Brethren. But doesn’t he also appear to be wearing the armour of a Primaris Space Marine? How curious.”
Curious, indeed Games Workshop. We already know the Emperor’s Champion is getting a Primaris version. I have a funny feeling he’s not the only unit getting the same treatment and this is about as close to a confirmation as we’re going to get short of seeing new models.
So now the question becomes what OTHER units are getting the same treatment? Well, in the artwork we’re clearly getting some new Primaris Sword Brethren. I can see a few models with the fancy tabard and shields.
And also some other Primaris Intercessors. But is that a new Initiate also running with the Primaris Marine? Oh my…
Are we about to get some mixed units from the Black Templars again? Reivers and Intercessors in a single squad? Who are these guys, Deathwatch?! I’m kidding – the Black Templar’s did it first.
Anyhow, this cover has some pretty neat teasers for old school Black Templar fans. It’s been a long time coming and I can’t wait to see where GW takes it from there.
Did you notice anything else noteworthy in the artwork? Drop us a line in the comments!