The Defiler

So it’s time to post a bit on the Defiler.
I wanted to do something a little different for my Defiler as it is supposed to be part of a Heresy-Era Death Guard force.
So I decided to try to make it an ancient Legion piece of siege equipment. Probably something built with Mechanicus assistance. I started with the Defiler and an Imperial Guard Vehicle Accessory sprue, some odds and ends and came up with this. It has been “de-spiked” fairly well and has many standard Imperial components such as the battlecannon, fueltanks, exhaust stacks, and the entire rear gunner’s platform.
I call it the Defender (it even says so on its custom decal on the rear fuel tanks). I think of it as the half forgotten ancestor of the 40th millenia Defiler. Perhaps the original crewed siege engine Abaddon used as his template for creating the daemonic monster we all know and love. He is one of the few surviving individuals who could have remembered it from those terrible days.
Hope you like it!